Larry’s Journey To Baruch

Larry woke abruptly to the sound of his phone alarm going off. It reminded him of a documentary he watched on the CIA and how they would wake prisoners every 2 hours with freezing cold water to make sure they didn’t get enough sleep. His routine followed, shower, shave, breakfast and out the door to catch that seemingly always delayed B train at Brighton Beach. On the train Larry noticed the old Russian man who always got on at Sheepshead Bay to sing a short song and ask for tips. He thought of his own dedushka, Russian for grandfather, and how he would handle his older years as he approached them. Larry got off the B train at Broadway/Lafayette and took the 6 train to 23rd street. As the sun hit his eyes and he stared down Lexington Avenue, Larry could only think of the weekend plans that approached beyond the haze of Baruch College.