The story of Ramayana is about a young handsome prince name Rama and his beautiful wife, Sita. King Dashratha has three wives and four sons. The eldest son, was the one and only Prince Rama who was known for his outlook and idealist values. Rama was considered to be the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. King Dashratha decides to give Rama the rights to the throne and crown him king as Rama was the righful heir to the throne. However, King Dashratha’s second wife became jealous and envied Rama and wanted her son to be crown the king after Dashratha. She reminded the king of a promise he made to her a while back and made him crown her son as the next king. Soon after, Rama was exiled for 14 years and his wife Sita stayed by his side and joined him on his journey. Rama obeyed his father and bid farewell to the kingdom and his father. I respect the fact that even though Rama was exiled out of the kingdom and was not able to claim his rights to the throne, he still respected his father’s decision, even though the decision did not seem fair. Rama was a very faithful son and these traits of Rama fulfill the qualities of a true king.
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