Rustom and Sohrab

People today are proud and are honored of their family’s history. Sohrab and Rustom are family members engaging in a single combat that would end in the death of one. However, when Sohrab lies dying he declares proudly of his ancestral lineage. Families will always fight and argue over disputes because they care about each other but is death pushing it a little bit? I understand Rustom wanted to make his point across but family should never kill each other no matter how difficult the situation may be. One thing that I found interesting is; just before Sohrab died, Rustom demanded for proper identification so he can know for a fact that he did kill his only son. I think the main problem in the story is that it symbolizes the struggle between the generations, and identity. Even though Rustom wasn’t allowed to see his son. It should have been his responsibility to still keep in touch with his child. Even the problem today that occurs when one looses custody of a child. Even when that happens the government allows part of the parent to remain in touch with the child. This is relevant because, even though Rustom doesn’t want to see his child because of the dangerous situation; The main concept of a parent seeing his child is to maintain the child’s identity and its generation. In this story, Sohrab has a hard time configuring his own identity and whether to fight his own father. Another part that think is interesting is the battle between Gordafarid and Sohrab. Their battle symbolizes betrayal. When Gordafarid fights Sohrab twice; she keeps commenting on his fight. By making Sohrab realize that he is loosing against a woman; she deceives him.

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