
The prologue of Gilgamesh is an interesting part of the story. In it, the author discusses Gilgamesh’s awesome strength, and his relations to gods. The gods acknowledge Gilgamesh’s power and discuss that creating an equal for him will help to keep Gilgamesh levelheaded; so Enkidu is made to be his friend. Enkidu is made by gods, and is sent to Earth to become civilized and associated with humans. Once Enkidu finds his strength, and is pushed on by the harlot he slept with, he feels confident enough to battle Gilgamesh. Once the men fight, Gilgamesh wins and the men decide to become friends. Together the men fight monsters like Humbaba, and rule the city peacefully. Enkidu is made in order to soften Gilgamesh and his evil ways as ruler, and Enkidu succeeds in softening Gilgamesh. When Enkidu begins to go into a frail state and pass away, Gilgamesh learns how important love for those around you is. He even stays by Enkidu’s side long after he is dead. Gilgamesh is an old writing, but still teaches a current moral about friendship and love.

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