Blogging the News

Social media plan

November 24th, 2014 Written by | Comments Off on Social media plan

Twitter and Google Plus are two social media sites that seem to be most popular. Many journalists have credited both of those sites to promote their work. That seems to be the best way to garner readership. Hash tags will also be an essential part in using social media. It will prove to be another positive way in having my work more recognizable. Here are fifteen accounts that I’d reach out to and would like to be associated with.

@RShreeves: Her work covers around being eco-friendly. That consists of a heavy use of vegetables and fruits. She has over 4,000 followers and is consistent in posting environmental based food choices.

@FollowNathan: In a remarkable story, he spent 5 months and 4300 miles biked around the United States. While on this trip, he interviewed people around food chains and agriculture. This applies to my blog well from all of the traveling.

@TheFoodTrust: A website that wants to ensure their readers about having affordable meals. These meals also include nutrition, which connects to my blog effectively. This is a nonprofit organization as well.

@EdibleStories: They look to post about local foods in your area. It can become rather convenient, especially when you’re looking for a fulfilling meal. From what I’ve said, they focus on food chains and what the health benefits are from them.

@KitchenKop: An actual blog that investigates on incorrect health tidbits. Just recently, I looked through various food chains that can still be beneficial. Kitchen Kop is a good fit because it gives them information on various nutrition topics.

@FoodRenegade: Another website that looks purely on nutrition. The difference is that these tweets and articles come from a well-accomplished author. She is very adamant on helping those, who are constantly struggling to find a balance due to other life obligations.

@DaveZinczenko: One of the most popular nutritionists in the world. He’s well versed in practically everything, when it comes to food. He travels all across the United States as well, which shows his experience in adapting to eating out.

@EatingWell: This account is different because it’s mainly a magazine that focuses more on good tasting food. They make it an objective to combine good tasting food, along with having actual health benefits.

@Meredithmo: She is someone that seems more reachable than some of the other accounts. Her account only has 5,655 followers and talks too many of her followers. Local food is one of her main priorities to write about.

@Fairfoodfight: They have a more aggressive style of writing. Many of their articles pertain to recognizing what organic food is. Their aggressive style does intrigue me, which is why I’d like to connect with them.

@MichaelBauer1: While he resides in the West coast, his articles are very informative. He includes many recipes from what he’s eaten across that part of the country. It helps involving what to order at a particular restaurant.

@AmandaHesser: Besides writing for the New York Times, she is very active with her followers. Despite having 151,000 followers, her openness really interests me. As someone who writes for a major publication, she has experience in practically every food culture.

@Mbhide: Her writing focuses on her Indian heritage. That leads to her focusing on a healthy appetite, as it focuses on bowl dishes. It brings a different twist compared to other writers. Sometimes focusing on just one certain culture is much easier to follow.

@TheFoodLab: Another writer that has thousands of followers, yet still interacts with his readers. Many of his articles pertain to certain recipes and what to order when trying to eat healthy out.

@GaelGreene: One of my favorite choices because she’s consistently eating across New York City. Her popularity is enormous at 123,000 followers. Many of her articles are based on experiences in eating in New York City. A perfect fit for what I’m intending to do.
I’d use my Twitter account at @AllenStrk to promote my blog. I’d post my articles in the morning, which is the best time for people to read it. People are too busy with their lives in the afternoon or night. I’d post around twice a week on weekdays to reach out to as many people as possible. You have to figure out a proper time frame for people to read articles. The weekend is usually the time that people like to enjoy their lives and stay away from the computer. That would be my agenda to promote my work efficiently. Reddit would also be another site that I’d link my articles too.

Tags: Uncategorized

Blog URL (Health Persistence On The Road)

October 20th, 2014 Written by | Comments Off on Blog URL (Health Persistence On The Road)

Tags: Uncategorized

Mission Statement & Editorial Plan

October 1st, 2014 Written by | Comments Off on Mission Statement & Editorial Plan

Mission Statement

Allen Strk
The purpose of my blog would be to inform people on how to eat well on a busy schedule. This would be targeted towards a college audience, although it could attract older people as well. I travel to and from school on a combined three hours for four days a week. My school and work schedule is rampant, but I’ll always prioritize on eating clean. From January 2013 to May 2014, I went from 235 to 170 pounds. I’ve had experience in maintaining a diet, despite having to travel so much. The content that I’d focus on would be towards moderation and what are good spots to go to in New York City. Also I’d speak about what to avoid, regardless of how appetizing it may look like.

With the obesity rate so high, I’ve heard several people blame it on work overshadowing there life. That still isn’t a valid excuse to eat pizza or a burger on a consistent basis. What sets my blog apart would be incorporating different meals, while traveling from place to place. Most blogs that cover diets are based on eating home cooked meals and focused on avoiding eating out. What I’m doing is looking at places to eat that can keep you trim. Now granted, I’ve appreciated home cooked meals and it contributed to my weight loss. That doesn’t take away how much I had to eat out. When I’m going to school, there are several long days that I have to endure which leads to not being able to eat at home.

I’ll break down on what to avoid while eating out, along with what to look for as well. I’m not sure how the competition is for this particular topic. This is more of a unique take to help younger people that aren’t fortunate in being able to eat a home cooked meal on a frequent basis. This content will be mostly exclusively to schools that are involved in the city or driving to school. It doesn’t apply to people eating on campus because they don’t have to travel extensively. I’m working towards people who are consistently on the move.

I’d update my blog around twice a week. For my posts, I’d envision it would take at least 60 minutes to write each blog. I pride myself on providing information from other websites and my overall experience. I’m not sure whom I’d interview because this is a unique blog. It’s more from a personal experience, while giving out health tips. In terms of specific stories, it wouldn’t be about any specific day. It would be more about past weekly regimes. Then I’d look at other people, who prioritize on health and dieting. With features, I’d like to dictate it from meats, vegetables, pasta, and how to utilize having cheat meals. I’ll have to plan out on what to focus on a weekly basis in breaking down what food to exclusively talk about. It’s a process, but my ideas are starting to flow together.

Tags: Food