Directions for sixth and final blog post: This post should show your cumulative knowledge about journalistic blogging. The topic should be interesting and directly related to the blog’s mission. You should include some kind of multimedia – either a video, or audio clips or photos – and a text component. So, you should write a post of 350-400 words and have the multimedia complement the story in some way. You should have interviewed at least one person. You should write a strong headline and include hyperlinks. POST MUST BE ADDED TO YOUR BLOGS BY THE START OF CLASS ON MONDAY, DEC. 15.
What to expect for your final blog review:
Final will be an evaluation of overall effectiveness of blog. Does it meet goals of mission statement? Were you able to establish a voice? Did your writing and reporting break new ground on the topic?
Specific areas I’ll be looking at:
Does the blog include six original posts and a seventh post that that includes a news roundup. This seventh post should have been completed in class. If you were absent that day, you are still responsible for creating this post.
Does each post have a strong headline that clearly states what the post is about?
Does each post include hyperlinks and has it been assigned a category (each blog should have four to five categories)
Is each post clearly written, grammatically correct and include some original reporting?
Has some effort been put into making each post visually pleasing? Here, I’m looking at the body of the post. Are there visuals? Has the text been broken up into shorter paragraphs? (No big blocks of text). Has your multimedia been clearly introduced?
How does the overall look (theme, title, header image) reflect the mission of the blog? (There is still time to change the header image)
Have you noted comments you received from me in grading, especially the comments made for the midterm, and incorporated changes I suggested into your blog.
If you did not meet all the requirements of the midterm, have you gone back and made sure your blog meets them all?
In case you forgot the midterm requirements, here they are:
–Created a blog using Blogs@Baruch, including the name of the blog in the URL. The settings on this blog must be set to public. Go through the different themes that are available to you through Blogs@Baruch and choose the one that works best for your blog.
–Uploaded a unique header image that reflects the character of the blog and includes the name of the blog and a cutline. (USE YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPH. DO NOT TAKE IMAGE FROM ANOTHER SITE)
–Created an “About” page (Condensed version of mission statement, aim for 200 words)
–Created a blog roll of related blogs and websites. (INCLUDE FIVE TO SEVEN SITES)
–Posted THREE stories to your blog each illustrated by a photo. (This number includes the post you sent to me today. Therefore, you must report and write two additional posts before Monday, Oct. 20. Each post must include relevant hyperlinks.)
–Created five categories for your blog and tagged your posts appropriately.
Review of grading:
Midterm: 25 percent of grade
Final: 25 percent of grade
Opening blogging analysis paper: 10 percent
First post: 10 percent
Multimedia post: 10 percent
Election night analysis paper: 10 percent
Social media strategy paper: 10 percent