Blogging the News

My Blog Pitch

September 16, 2014 Written by | 4 Comments

One of the main things I wanted to stick with this semester is creating my blog revolving around music, but to be more specific I wanted to focus on the train and street performers of NYC.  I know that many music blogs have aspiring musicians following them, and I think it would be a good idea to get a lot of stories out of these new breakout artists trying to make it big, and I can even interview some underground bands I know. Some of the things I can get out of it is defining who they are exactly, where did they come from and why do they feel the need to get inspiration from NY to get anywhere?  

A better idea would be to create news stories that will help these aspiring musicians in New York City, like the professor gave me the idea to research venues, practice spaces, and do interviews maybe with a manager about what they look for in up-coming artists. I can definitely get somewhere with doing that, and I think it could be really interesting to meet these new artists along the way. As for a second idea, I’m not so sure yet but I want to stick with the whole arts scene because I feel that I’d be better off doing something like this or related to it.


Categories: Uncategorized

4 responses so far ↓

  •   nicole lockwood // Sep 16th 2014 at 9:49 pm

    I really like the idea of a blog about street performers. After interviewing some people you could write a ‘day in life of’ kind of article and go into detail about their lives and pasts. I think it’ll also be relatively easy to conduct interviews with these people, as they would be willing to talk in order to get some exposure. Definitely a blog I would follow.

  •   VHaller // Sep 17th 2014 at 9:23 am

    I think you have two good ideas. What are you more interested in? I feel like there’s been so much written about them, but I could see a blog that goes deeper. You could highlight “musician of the week” with an interview and video clip. You could do a story about the MTA’s musician program. You could dig into how much musicians make. Things like that. We can talk about it in class today.

  •   WU TIMMY // Sep 17th 2014 at 11:46 am

    I think the first idea of the street performers is a brilliant idea. There are lack of stories about the performers because I believe people look down them just because they don’t have a steady job. This blog would create an opportunity to give street performers and train performers a voice. I would read this blog

  •   Diana Kozak // Sep 17th 2014 at 12:28 pm

    Absolutely love the idea about subway performers! You can write about these individuals and their stories as well as the permits, rules, regulations about subway performance. I’ve heard that there is a pretty intense audition process for those that want to perform legally in the MTA! Would for sure follow your blog.