The CTL’s Hybrid Seminar is a terrific opportunity for Baruch faculty who have limited to no experience with teaching in an online/hybrid format. Seminar participants (Faculty Fellows) will be encouraged to think creatively about how teaching in this format can open up new pedagogical opportunities within and across disciplines. With the guidance of the CTL staff and feedback from other faculty fellows, participating faculty will develop syllabi, assignments, assessments, online learning resources, and digital spaces for their course. Faculty Fellows will be matched with a CTL staff ‘buddy’, whose role is to support and collaborate with the Faculty Fellow throughout the semester.
The seminar is designed to offer a customized experience to meet the needs of the diversity of courses taught at Baruch and of teaching styles. This is a hands-on seminar which give faculty the opportunity and support to develop their hybrid course through a combination of seminar workshops, one-on-one consultations with the CTL staff and attendance of relevant CTL programs.
For more information about Hybrid and Online Instruction at Baruch, see the “Hybrid and Online” CTL Resources.
What is a Hybrid or Online Course?
Online and hybrid instruction means that student learning and academic activities happen outside of the traditional brick-and-mortar classroom. These learning activities are usually supported through web-based technology. The activities may include things such as on-line lectures, on-line discussions, on-line tutorials and projects, posting to blogs, wikis and other social networking sites, as well as webinars, podcasts, and real time teleconferences.
The Baruch College Registrar’s Office considers a class to be online when, at most, one-third of class time is spent in a physical classroom. Students in a “fully” online class can still be required to come into school for exams, labs, etc.
A hybrid class or blended class is one in which 33 – 67% of instruction occurs online.
A class which has less than 33% online instruction is considered to be “web facilitated.”
While these are the definitions used to determine that status of the class, there are myriad models for how to make use of flexible course structures and time. Faculty members may decide to use hybridization to combine courses from different disciplines at Baruch, or to co-teach courses with faculty members from other institutions, or to free time up for students to research at sites around the city. The CTL is committed to supporting faculty members who want to explore the pedagogical possibilities opened up by moving a significant amount of instruction online, and who want to share with other members of the community the results of their experimentation.
The resources below provide a brief overview of hybrid/online teaching and learning.
- CTL Student Guide for Hybrid and Online Classes
- CTL Faculty Guide for Hybrid and Online Learning
- Hybrid and Online Syllabi
- Evaluation Criteria for Hybrid and Online Learning
Hybrid and Online Learning at Baruch College
During the Spring 2015 semester, the Center for Teaching and Learning conducted interviews with and surveys of faculty and students who were teaching or enrolled in hybrid and online courses at Baruch College. The On Hybridization site houses the published interviews and an in-depth analysis of the faculty and student survey data.