Self Hosted Blogs are BEST!

Why self hosted blogs are 100% safer than free blogs like social media sites.

This video explains a great deal about why social media sites like Facebook may not be the best option as your main blog or publishing engine. What you post may no longer be your own or as private as you might thing. The privacy factor makes these sites great as distribution  and syndication networks but having your own Copy protection through a self hosted solution is the best option to protect your claims on your content.

Points to consider:

  • Be smart, build your brand with your own controls and use Social Media for you SEO and syndication.
  •  If you blog privately you never have to worry about your content being archived or being used to ruin your reputation.
  • Self publishing gives you control over your SEO, your content creative and copyrights.
  • Use Social Media wisely, you wouldn’t blast a private phone conversation over a PA system would you? Don’t do it with Social Media either.
  • Remember Social Media is Media for the masses. No part of Social Media is private. 

View Video Here: “Privacy in Social Media” – TheNew York Times Student Speaking Contest.


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Why Business SEO is Important

The importance of business SEO is more than a buz term in today’s tech/cyber driven paradigm 

Danii Oliver, 2012 BlogWorld Speaker “Blogging to help Business SEO”

As a practitioner I do not claim to be an expert in a technology that changes every 6 months. But I have been an everyday participant for the past 5 years and have learned and experimented with various techniques to achieve set goals and then some.

When it comes to understanding how to better SEO for your business I find it best to correlate the differences between yesterday’s thinking and today’s “The Old School Versus The New School.”

In the past we followed family tradition and practiced the same trade our fathers performed. Today we have rebelled from tradition and found our own paths; with that we must build up trust in our chosen professions and new business names.

I’ll share this story…

At one point in Brooklyn, Allen’s bakery was “THE” Caribbean bakery in all of New York. It was the one place you’d go to for patties, currant rolls, fresh sweet bread and cakes for all occasions. Even if another bakery was around Allen’s was the first thought.

Allen’s bakery was passed on to a family member and was expected to continue the same way it had for 20 years. However, more and more bakeries have been established and Allen’s just isn’t what it used to be. A great pitfall now, it that when it comes time for an occasion, potential customers of any bakery are left to close their eyes and play “Innie Minnie Miney Moe”.

What they will end up selecting is the business with the most information available to them when they need it or the business with the biggest Ad. Thus in this new school era it is imperative to be open and release information about your business. Information such as, “What are its competencies and how does it address the needs of customers?”. The more information available the more trust will be instilled.

SEO is simply “putting it out there”
Stop being private it’s time to bragg!

Creative Technologist Danii Oliver is co-founder and Chief Digital Officer of interactive agency DAMN Digital Studio. As a multi-media designer and developer, with almost 15 years of experience, Danii has worked for companies such as WPP, MACY’, the Medical Knowledge Group, The New York Times and more, consulting on digital technologies, flash applications, and mobile projects. Danii co-leads DAMN Digital developing mobile apps, multi-touch interfaces, ultra screen projections, interactive walls, kiosks and, 3D and holographic interfaces for clients.

In this BlogWorld presentation on “Blogging to Help Business SEO” Danii Oliver will discuss how and what to blog to help SEO. Having her knowledge and reputation precede her through keen SEO, Oliver will show how to hone in your blogging to help boost your business’s SEO; tips and tricks for DIY SEO. Information has many formats with which to be shared if your not sharing your not present in the industry you belong to.

Track: Social Media Business Summit
Session: Blogging to Help Business SEO

Company Site: 
Twitter: @daniioliver


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NFC unlike RFID requires active participation and thus the social realm is where most people are focusing it’s usefulness. NFC is opt-in technology which means devices won’t read passively.  The user must do some action to participate, pay or receive information.

NFC is opt-in technology which means devices won’t read passively.  The user must do some action to participate, pay or receive information.

RFID is opt-out technology which means it doesn’t require user permission or activation. RFID will be picked up automatically and read. A user must block or opt-out of scan to not participate.

NFC would be the reader to an RFID but needs to be in close range. RFID would be the emitter for an NFC to pick up but RFID need not be in visible range.

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RFID is similar to NFC which is Near field communication which allows for close contact transfers of information.

Where RFID just requires the radio frequency, NFC requires a touch and is a bit more secure as sensitive information cannot be picked up so readily as being in range with RFID.

NFC can and has been put into phones, credit cards and keycards. NFC has more personal and social applications. Sharing contact information with a bump, file share without fragile hard drives and payment without cash and bulky wallets.

NFC was developed in 2002 and has been slower to enter the market than RFID. However, this year Google has made an attempt to kill off the NFC cheaper solution of QR Codes, to make a strong push for NFC enabled smart phones. Many electronics companies say they are on board but really only one smart phone boasts of it’s use and DAMN Digital in Brooklyn has yet to make how to videos on how the technology works so that consumers and participate.

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RFID which is Radio-frequency identification is the technology that uses radio waves to transfer data from an electronic tag or label, usually in an object, through a reader to identify and track the object.

Generally RFID tags can be read from a great distance, beyond the line of sight of a reader.

RFID is similar to NFC which is Near field communication which allows for close contact transfers of information.

Where RFID just requires the radio frequency, NFC requires a touch and is a bit more secure as sensitive information cannot be picked up so readily as being in range with RFID.

RFID is used in EZ PASS readers, the highway, bridge and toll no stop payment system. The technology allows for a person and the object needing to be charged to fly right through readers without stopping. A great way that this technology was hoped to have been used was in grocery stores. It would allow shoppers to pick up and bag items right away then just walk out the store. No lines no waits time. The system is used in Europe but American consumer goods manufacturers have not adapted it nor have retail outlets.

RFIDs can be so light so small and unnoticeable that you may have seen them a thousand times already. An RFID looks like small plastic or sticky paper circuit board. They are currently visible and used as security alarms in stores on DVD cases. (Which is an extreme dumbing down of the technology, if it were used as a payment system there’d be less need for security if it was handled correctly.)

RFID can be used as tracking systems as well. There are people testing 433 MHz battery-powered wristbands and readers, to be sold this fall, in order to protect kids and pets from farm machinery and vehicles. As read in an article by Claire Swedberg RFID is useful without battery power, if it doesn’t need to emit a constant signal and only needs to be read by a reader when near enough. However, battery powered RFID will emit frequencies constantly so that controllers can find what they are looking for without scanning or search just simply looking up. RFID is opt-out technology.

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