Produt factors that affect diffusion of innovations
-relative advantage
– complexity
– communicability
Consumer adaption
– awareness -> interest ->evaluation -> trial->adoption-> internalaization
Didussion -> innoaion , early adaptors, early majority, late majority, laggards
Pervasise computing is people having access to computer systems, information and tasks 360. Pervasive computing will allow people to gain access information from anywhere anytime with any device. The goal is that it will all be relevant. Marketers will have to be available to cunsumers near their time and place of transaction inorder to reach them. No more interuptive invasive tactics.
The Strategic drivers of wirless adoption are
context – necessary information where and when needed, localization – where is the customer at and personization – customer needs to be able to select what and how offten they receive information.
Time sensitve – information must be provided in the time frame that suits the cutomer
High Value – it offer reasonalbe to the consumer
Voice activiation – will reduce the risk on saftey and allow for greater multitasking. Wireless use will not be an interuption of other activities. With the advent of bluetooth we are able to see this. Today a person and can wash dishes and talkon the phone and with car GPS you can ask the computer where to go while driving instead of sitting at your desktop figuring out the route then trying to read while driving.
One click payment mechanisims – customers don’t want to have many vendor accounts nor do they want to transmitt their information regularly. Like paypal cutomers with want a secure billing system that goe to one account in order to participate in frequrent m-commerce.
Security – embedded devices, secure data transmittion and authenication services must be provided to put consumers’ minds at ease.
Privacy- Providers must respect personal data and not abuse the customers paid time for use of services.
Expanded persmission marketing – marketers must try to find out customer preferences, what they want how much they want when they want in oder to do this they must maintain real time customer profile databases.