Relationships are defined as a connection b/w firm and its customers. It can be based on either logic(realize customers simply can’t get product elsewhere) or emotion. Buyer-seller relationships are based on exchange where each party expects or demand value for what is given(money for products)
integrated campaigns ensure that levers complement each other and drive customers through relationship stages more effectively ( Product, price, communication, community, distribution vs. awareness, exploration, commitment, dissolution)
ebay: advance users into awareness and exploration stages, then it built communities and sustaining commitment, and then ebay returned to bringing new users into communities through awareness/exploration stages
four categories of principles for lever selection:
Which levers should firms select?
How should marketing resources be allocated on a lever by lever basis
How do these levers interact
How are the levers sequenced
key principles for lever selection within marketspace matrix
choose levers to effect a change
determine which levers have the most leverage
barriers to advancement
mediums effect on desired behavior
level on involvement
Consumer learning trends
creditability of channel
consistent choice of levers
medium can be msg or product
adaptive matrix design
correlation of effect
beware of segment alienation
selected levers must be integrated
no one silver bullet
sequencing of levers matters