Monthly Archives: October 2016

Political Rhetoric: Laura’s well-thought out conclusion

During the preview of the website showed in class, the first video my eyes laid on was Laura’s crying face. So I’ve actually wanted to see this video for quite some time now and boy, was it great. Basically, it’s a video about a woman named Laura talking about her son who was murdered by an illegal immigrant, and ending with the conclusion of “Hillary Clinton’s border policy is going to allow people into the country just like the one that murdered my son.


This is strongly leaning on pathos; this video tries to evoke empathy in the listener or watcher through the story itself, the music, the filters, the slow zoom-ins and panning of the camera to emphasize the tragedy befallen upon the woman. One could also possibly argue that it can also have  a hint of ethos, implying that it is only right to vote for Donald Trump so that no incidents like these can happen again.


Not only does this campaign ad evoke sympathy with its story, but it also evokes fear in the audience. During the video, they even described the gruesome things the murderer did to her son and at the end, she declares that if one were to vote for Hillary- something similar might happen to them or their loved ones too. So in a way, it can also be kind of viewed as a “do this or else” kind of tactic to get votes.


I think the intended audience is for any family member, specifically mothers and fathers, considering they’re always the most concerned about each family member’s safety. Also, note the fact that Laura is a mother and the person who was murdered was her son.

In the video, an important thing I took note of is her use of the word “murdered.” Typically, when one is mourning most people tend to use euphemisms, words or phrases that can be used to replace harsher words, to avoid being too straightforward or blunt. However, in this video, she uses the word “murdered,” very concrete, sharp, and piercing. Using the word “murdered” gets to the audience more, and perhaps makes a bigger impression and plants greater and stronger fear and concern in their intended audience.


I think this is such an ineffective piece of rhetoric. Perhaps the intended audience might be concerned mothers and fathers, but I think more specifically, it would be narrow-minded mothers and fathers. Any sane person can argue that the murderer in this case just so happened to be an illegal immigrant. Not every person who crosses the border illegally is here to kill your son. They have their own needs, they want jobs, and most are willing to go through extremely low wages just to be able to live here discreetly. The first time I watched it, and I’m sorry Laura, but I scoffed. If that’s the conclusion you’ve ended up with, then Laura, I don’t think your son had to die for you to vote for Donald Trump.


I decided to follow Donald Trumps juicy tweeter scandals. In the recent presidential debate social media plays  a big role, and who better to follow then the king of tweeter. One particular tweet from D. Trump really stood out to me. “This election is a total sham and travesty. We are not a democracy!” At first my intention was to find a  tweet about him bashing women since that is also such a popular topic amongst media and public opinions. However, when I stumbled upon this tweet I found it really amusing and ironic. Over here a guy who is suggesting to deport all the immigrants and talking about building a wall to block out other countries is talking about how the election isn’t democracy. And the funny thing is I actually agree with him.  Because honestly if this election was a democracy then a man like him would never be able to stand in front of millions of people and say whatever he wants on national TV. Democracy is all about the people, and this guy isn’t someone who should be given the responsibility of being in charge of the people. In Donald Trumps tweet he uses a very immature style of writing. Most of his tweets consists of bashing people and calling them various names. Doesn’t tweeter have a filter to filt out bullies? Donald trump is complaining about how the election is false and mis representation. As much as others want this presidential election to be false and fake, unfortunately every result is real including the fact that Donald Trump is no where near eligible to lead this nation. His tweet about not being a democracy shows that Donald will go to any length in order to prove how he is the destined candidate. Trumps main goal seems to be gain as much attention as he can by throwing tantrums on social media and stating false accusations to make himself look better in front of his supporters. Trump is a true definition of why we have to make America great again ( his slogan) because obviously if America was great a man like him would not be allowed to talk about women, men , children the way he publicly does all the time.  Here to us not being a democracy Donald Trump!

This tweet shows pathos, Donald is trying to urge his followers to agree with him by just bluntly stating something to support himself.  He is attacking the actual electoral system by calling the election fake, indicating the election was rigged or preset. He is trying to make people start questioning the actual result of the American voting system.

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Political Rhetoric

Hillary Clinton’s campaign advertisement, “Families Together”, stood out to me because based on the title alone, it seemed like a lighthearted and uplifting commercial that would make an emotional plea to parents in their voting. Along with this, the video showed a clip of one of Donald Trump’s remarks and then displayed Clinton going against his idea, but spun it in the light of appealing to family values which I thought was rather clever.

The ad is a combination of pathos and ethos. In regards to pathos, the ad definitely evokes an emotional response from a family’s perspective–specifically, the voting parents who are the target demographic–by claiming that Clinton aims to fight for immigration reforms that will keep families together instead of tearing them apart. In a similar sense, this “tugging at the heartstrings” can also be seen as ethos because some may see this tearing of families apart as wrong and believe that Clinton will be fighting for what’s right. With that said, I think that this rhetoric worked out as the campaign team intended it to–that is, by using some phrases like “protecting children” and “life’s work” in its rhetorical sense, she’s is persuading the viewers that she has the experience and is fighting for the families, as opposed to Trump’s plan which is to “tear families apart”.

I feel like the video itself was actually more so targeted towards immigrants and their families, but when listening to the language used, it was much more general at the start of her portion by stating her experience working with and for the children, but then makes it clear the purpose of the video towards the end when she mentions the immigration reforms, tying it together with the mini clip of Trump at the beginning. This strategy was actually pretty effective in making the language significant because even though I’m not the immediate focus group, I still find myself sympathizing with the cause.

Overall,  my first impression after watching the ad was that it was pretty clever in its taking of a situation, completely flipping it around, and reaching to another level by making it directly related to a current issue–all the while making Clinton seem like the good guy and Trump the bad guy. Additionally, I found it pretty effective in its use of rhetoric because it was definitely persuasive to the point where, as aforementioned, even though I don’t consider myself the “target group”, I still felt sympathetic.



Donald Trump: America Soaring

I chose the ad, Donald Trump: America Soaring, because it had an interesting title and made me want to know how Donald trump is going to make that happen for America. The ad is using two modes of persuasion, logos and pathos. Logos is used when the ad says “Skilled craftsmen and trades people, and factory workers have seen the jobs they love shipped thousands of miles away.” This line is logical since it is statically correct in saying that American jobs are being outsourced to other countries. In addition, it emphasizes pathos because it is meant to evoke an emotional response in all Americans. Many American voters can usually relate to the video because it shows normal American people from different backgrounds working hard. Thus, this is advertised so it can convince American voters to vote for Trump and Pence because it wants to show that these two candidates can make America great again. The intended audience is most likely the working middle class because it shows the hardworking Americans at work, therefore it is relatable to their everyday life. The ad uses the word American a lot to show that Trump and Pence can create great jobs that will rebuild the country using goods and services provided by Americans. This word is supposed to convince everyday working people to vote for Trump and Pence because it shows them siding with American interests. The ad is pretty effective because it is not a hateful rant about the other candidates running for office. People mostly are used to seeing commercials stating the flaws of the other candidate. However, this one shows Americans the potential of this great country. I don’t think it is convincing to me since I already know the flaws of the candidates and as a result won’t change my opinion about them. The commercial is well put together though and shows different places in America so it can sway some voters because of its simplicity.

Donald Trump: Why?

The advertisement “Why?” paid for by Donald J. Trump for President intrigued me because i wanted to chose an add that showed an attack against Clinton. I chose it because i have seen so many videos attacking Trump and i wanted to see a different point of view. This advertisement is a mixture of both logos and ethos. The ad starts with a general question that Hilary made during a speech which was, “Why am i not 50 points ahead?”. Throughout the ad the voiceover gives several facts and reason for why she isn’t, like saying that the FBI director said that their was classified information in the emails and her policies made ISIS. It is ethos because the reasons that it is giving for why Hillary isn’t up by 50 points bring up morale questions. For example can she delete and and speak about classified material on a private server, can she call half of Tump supported deplorable. This rhetoric is supposed to be a attack on Clinton. It is meant to put her in a bad light. The intended audience of this advertisement i feel is toward maybe the undecided voters. The language used in the video is very strong in trying to get the audience to understand the bad things that secratery has done and said. The language used it appropriate for the reality of its situation. The language is depicting true events that occurred. The advertisement is being truthful and construing facts whatsoever. I think that this piece of rhetoric was actually quite effective. It really brought some very important facts to consider when voting for Hillary Clinton. The central them of the ad was explains why she isn’t 50 points ahead, and it did a good job gathering good, truthful evidence. I personally agreed with the ad and found it to be very effective. It definitely reinforced my image of Hillary clinton. Although is did bring up second thoughts it still didnt take away the wrongs of Trump.

Political Rhetoric – Dangerous

In one of Donald Trump’s ad, the voice over states the current foreign threats we face as Americans. The opening statement, “Our next president faces daunting challenges in a dangerous world” is without a doubt true. As our next president steps into office they will be immediately facing threats from other countries and current enemies. I Chose this ad because it was very factual and relatable to the current problem our next president faces.

The ad attacks Hilary as it also indirectly supports Trump. The ad sites that Clinton has failed multiple times as the secretary of state to protect American from International threats. The ad pleads to the audience, which is the general public that is voting specifically in battle ground states,  to not let her fail us again. It also goes on to say that she doesn’t have the fortitude, strength, or stamina to lead in our world. The stamina part was a big focus in the first debate as Trump was questioned as to what he means by that.

The use of logos is evident in the ad. Trump’s campaign has created logical evidence that we should not vote for Hilary because she is already a failure. Their is not much thought needed to be put behind these ideas and the ad can be effective. I personally found the ad effective as it is short but gets right to the point. Although it won’t change voters decisions immediately it is definitely beneficial to Trump.

Role Models

I chose to do a rhetorical analysis on this video because I felt that it was really moving. This video focuses on Donald Trump and shows how he is a bad candidate for the president of the Unites States. It does so by including snippets of his crude and inappropriate comments and the image of young children watching him. It is very obvious that the audience that this is intended for are voters who are also parents. It is clearly showing that as a parent, a chid should not look up to someone as hateful as him.

This anti-Trump ad works using both pathos and ethos. Pathos is used to evoke an emotional response from the audience and this ad does so. By including certain quotes from him and young children viewing it, it really shows how inappropriate it is. This evokes an emotional response from parents who do not want their children to look up to this. Ethos is the idea of mobilizing the audience’s sense of right and wrong. This ad really shows that it is obviously wrong to see a role model in Donald Trump. It does not necessarily “right” to see one in Hillary Clinton, according to this video, but it is very clearly anti-Trump.

I think it is interesting to note that a lot of the ads in this election have been very fast-paced. This particular video, however, is not as fast-paced as the others. I think it is because most other videos appeal to a younger demographic, while this one appeals to an older generation amongst those who are parents. It is also important to note the language used by Trump and the language used by Clinton. This video features quotes from Trump in which he is clearly inappropriate, while Clinton’s dialogue is much more appropriate.

Overall, I think this video was very effective. This presidency has been very comedic, because it is ridiculous that we have someone like Donald Trump in the running to be the president. It gets very serious when you actually think that someone like him could be the president of the United States. This video really makes people think, this is who kids are going to be look up to. It sends a very strong message regarding what kind of person should be the president, someone who can be a role model for all the children of the US.


Political Rhetoric

The campaign rhetoric I chose to write about is Hillary Clinton’s advertisement titled “Hat”. The visual advertisement calls Trump out on his slogan, “Make America Great Again” by using his products against him. When Trump continually talks about how jobs are being outsourced to outside nations at a cheaper rate, he forgets that he is also a business man who cares only about profits for his business. His products are all created in outside nations. His shirts are made in Bangladesh, his ties in China, and his suits in Mexico. So by definition, he is just a hypocrite that people do not research because he says what the average American thinks but is too afraid to say.

The ad itself is a logos speech, shown by the comparison of Trump’s statements of job outsourcing and what he actually does. I actually think this is a really effective way of persuasion because it shows that Trump is not loyal to what he says, it backs the people who call him out of flip-flopping on his statements. Now if he were to remain loyal to his statements of outside countries stealing the American peoples jobs, I believe he would have to discontinue some of his products due to being unable to exploit workers in the United States for lower wages which would hurt him business wise.

I am not a supporter of either candidate, but I do believe that this ad is highly effective in attacking the other. What I believe Clinton gains as a result of this advertisement are more media and press questioning him about his statement and how his businesses operate regarding his standings when it comes to job outsourcing.


Donald Trumps ad called dangerous show us a video of military organizations all around the world on the rise and shows us Hillary Clinton not being able to stand up straight without the help of others. While in the background there is a speaker telling us Hillary has failed at being a secretary, doesn’t have the fortitude, strength, or stamina, and she should not be allowed to lead us.

This video uses logos especially when the voice talks about Iran promoting violence, North Korea threatening, and ISIS being on the rise. This is logos because is uses logic and facts that are true. These are real threats that the next president has to possibly deal with. Furthermore the video uses ethos because it shows her not being able to stand up right and her coughing. By showing us this, the video is trying to say it would be wrong to vote for a president who has no “stamina,fortitude, and strength.” Another example of ethos in the video is when the video says “She failed as secretary of state. Don’t let her fail us again.” This is ethos because it would be wrong to vote for somebody who has failed us once. Pathos is also in this video because the president is seen as somebody who is powerful and strong. Showing her at her weakest moments can trigger a emotional response because how can a “weak person”  lead us.

The rhetoric is this video is directly targeted towards Clinton supporters. Trump is trying to show her supporters her weakness to lead a nation will fail us. The rhetoric is this video is trying show us with the growing dangers a weak president who has failed us once should not be voted for. His attempt to persuade voters to not vote for Clinton in this video is quite pathetic.



Political Rhetoric – Donald Trump: It Takes Two

There are only two candidates that are able to be elected for president, so the political ads that degrade a candidate, indirectly supports the other. This advertisement degrades Hillary Clinton which may lead votes for her being withdrawn and possibly the votes going to Donald Trump.

The ad shows a tweet by Clinton that states her opinion after an issue related to sexual assault and Bill Cosby. Another issue related to sexual assault and also included a Bill arises, this is when she has another opinion on the issue. Her new opinion contradicts the one she said early, which makes her look like a liar or a bias person. The “two” in the title of this ad refers to the second occurrence of an issue and both occurrences also happen to include a Bill. It takes two of these similar cases of accusations of sexual assault to show that Hillary Clinton will go back on her word and change how she thinks.

Logos is shown because it would be logical to not vote for a liar. Ethos is shown because it seems degrading when Clinton does not stick to her word and her new opinion uses bad language towards a group of women, putting their dignity to shame. It is pathos because we know how it is like when a person changes their mind and doesn’t follow what they say themselves. The ad supports Trump indirectly without Trump’s presence in it by revealing a negative side of Clinton.