Tag Archives: Containment

American Interference

America has interfered in many countries, whether it was for economic pursuits or international objectives. Ever since expansionism in the late 1800s, America has been involved with mostly countries that are in chaos or have tyrannical leaders. The Philippines was … Continue reading

Posted in admin only: Featured, Assignment due December 7, KM24 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on American Interference

The Marshall Plan is More Important Than You May Think

If the Marshall Plan had never been passed, the Soviet Union may have succeeded in taking over all of Germany and evicting the US, Britain, and France, who had their foothold in Berlin. The Soviet takeover of Berlin could have … Continue reading

Posted in admin only: Featured, KM24, November 9 Assignment | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on The Marshall Plan is More Important Than You May Think