Author Archives: zachary.triano

The Three “Wars” That Changed History

On December 7, 1941, Japanese planes bombed the naval base at Pearl Harbor. Approximately 2,000 American servicemen were killed and some American battle equipment such as aircraft, battle ships and naval vessels were destroyed. The bombing of Pearl Harbor didn’t … Continue reading

Posted in admin only: Featured, Assignment due December 7, KM24 | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on The Three “Wars” That Changed History

Are We Talking About The Same Type of Freedom?

This song of freedom  talks about love and talks about freedom to rekindle your flame and get your love back. This is totally different from the song I posted for the 1960s, “the Simple Song of Freedom”, which spoke about … Continue reading

Posted in KM24, November 30 Assignment | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Are We Talking About The Same Type of Freedom?

Freedom For All = No Wars, Because During War, Fighters are Not Free In singing this simple song of freedom, Bobby Darrin is talking to all Americans of all races. He defines freedom as realizing your dreams and being able to live your dreams without it ending up in a war. He … Continue reading

Posted in admin only: Featured, KM24, November 23 Assignment | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

The Marshall Plan is More Important Than You May Think

If the Marshall Plan had never been passed, the Soviet Union may have succeeded in taking over all of Germany and evicting the US, Britain, and France, who had their foothold in Berlin. The Soviet takeover of Berlin could have … Continue reading

Posted in admin only: Featured, KM24, November 9 Assignment | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on The Marshall Plan is More Important Than You May Think

African Americans Evicted From Their Native Land

The Dawes Act was enacted by the Federal Government in 1887 in order to evict Indians from their tribal ancestral lands. The Federal Government did this because American citizens wanted to settle in the west, which was already occupied by … Continue reading

Posted in admin only: Featured, KM24, September 21 Assignment | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Slavery is Over; Enjoy Your Freedom Under the Following Circumstances:

One type of freedom Foner described is the freedom from the the numerous injustices of slavery, such as punishment by the lash, separation of families, denial of access to education, the sexual exploitation of black women by their owners. African … Continue reading

Posted in admin only: Featured, KM24, September 16 Assignment | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Slavery is Over; Enjoy Your Freedom Under the Following Circumstances:

The Secondary Source with Force

David Blight’s book seems interesting to me because it would help supplement the knowledge that I gain from this history class as well as providing more information and serving as a secondary source. It would give me more information into … Continue reading

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