9/11 digital archive
September 11th was a horrific, yet, historical day in American and world history. It solidified the modern day era of radical ismlamic fundamentalists. The 9/11 digital archive is a great way to recap the events that occured on that day. The good thing about the website is that it pretty much has anything you need to know about 9/11 from people’s personal stories, to the history regarding 9/11 and the aftermath. The weaknesses of the website is a lot is based on personal opinions and does not talk about the facts.
Even though the 9/11 digital archive is based on personal stories, there is no real history regarding why the attack occured and how, America reacted with the war on terrorism. The website is also aimed to be a memorial type website, rather than a site historians can use as a refernce for events. In the future historians can use the website as a way of reflecting on how Americans reacted and what they think about terrorism.