The CTL Writing Retreat is back!
RSVP today for the Center for Teaching and Learning January, 2020 Writing Retreat.
Full-time and part-time faculty, graduate students who teach, and staff are all welcome to join us!
The 2018-23 Baruch College Strategic Plan highlights the value of research in enriching the classroom experience for both teachers and students, and pledges to support innovative research, scholarship, and creative inquiry at the College. In the spirit of this pledge, the Center for Teaching and Learning will offer a two-day writing retreat for members of the Baruch community to focus on their research, writing, and creative work in a collegial environment, with opportunities to discuss writing strategies and writing support in the classroom.
The CTL will provide a quiet space to write; coffee; a nourishing lunch; opportunities to talk about writing and teaching strategies; a separate space to take breaks, network, and eat; and outlets for charging devices. Participants will get dedicated time over one or two full days to work in a distraction-free environment. Each afternoon after lunch, there will be an optional breakout activity related to writing, such as combating writer’s block or soliciting and giving feedback, which participants may find useful in their own work as well as in the classroom.
Jumpstart that new chapter, write that book proposal, or finish editing that article that has been languishing on your desktop. Give yourself the gift of time to write.
Please RSVP here by Jan 2, 2020. All applicants will receive a welcome email with the retreat schedule by January 7.
Contact Cheryl Smith at with any questions.