RefAnnBib #2

Part 1: Bibliographic entry:

Part 2: Keywords

  • Customer review rating
  • Digital marketing
  • E-commerce performance
  • Supply chain capability

Part 3: Precis

This article is about how the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the business and industry landscape and changed costumers’ behavior. It shows the changes and the shift of doing business and shopping online from before the pandemic started too today. How both buyers and sellers where completely based on digital ways to sell their products. The article focused on some main points like, perceived supply chain capabilities have a positive correlation with e-commerce, digital promotions, costumer experience and rating. With the help of the internet during a world pandemic business did not have to close down as there were other opportunities for them to reach their customers.

Part 4: Reflection

I am going to use this article to do a comparison between the time before COVID-19 started and today. Some businesses have become mostly based on the online market even today as they find it more efficient and easier to reach a buyer. The feedback and rating from the customer are much easier and broader as online people tend to leave more feedback than in-person shopping for example.  One of the main findings was that, before the pandemic, customer review ratings had a significant positive effect on the performance of the e-commerce platform, but not after the outbreak.

Part 5: Quotables:

“For the end customers, the perceived digital promotion capability does not significantly affect the customer experience (review ratings). However, the sellers are significantly affected.”


“As so many people were living in quarantined, there was a significant increase in online shopping transactions.”


“According to Nielsen (2020), 50% of respondents said that they visited malls and engaged in entertainment activities less often, followed by 46% who said they ate out less often, and 48% who hung out in cafes less often.”


“COVID-19 has created a longitudinal point of view, so the updated research in this paper is expected to provide important insights, especially in the context of Indonesia as the country with the fourth-biggest population and one of the fastest-growing sources of e-commerce in the world.”