Author Archives: Elbasan Haxhaj
West Coast Immigration
Theodore Roosevelt’s “Rough Riders”
Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 in present day Gramercy, Manhattan. He was a very active child and goes on to be active in his later days. He was governor of New York, Vice President of the United … Continue reading
Survival of the Fittest
Charles Darwins’ published work On the Origin of Species is one of the greatest if not greatest works of science. Published in 1859 in the United Kingdom, it was written to show people how to survive and what life is … Continue reading
“Education is the next best thing to liberty.”
One type of freedom in chapterĀ 15 of Foners’ book is that African-Americans start their own schools free of white control. They begin teaching and educating the young African-American population because “education” is one of the most important freedoms. It allows … Continue reading
A Free Europe and Safe America….Goodbye Cold War
Yes, it sounds like David Blight liked his book.
a) The David Blight book sounds very interesting to me. The book gives you a few different point-of-views about the Civil War and race. It’s very interesting to know that some historians don’t believe the Civil War was fought because … Continue reading
August 31 Assignment
After exploring the two webites and reading the blog, which I found to be very interesting, i realized that history isn’t all that accurate and that there has to be a good amount of sources. Reading a historical event by … Continue reading