
How Shantanu got to Baruch

This morning started off when Shantanu saw an old man slowly crossing the street and somehow, that reminded him of his grandpa. He just felt the void his grandpa filled each time I saw him and it has been a while since he saw him. Shantanu blanked out for a second and flashed back to the happy times they both took walks in the park. Then he decided to move on and once he got onto the M train, he noticed it was very empty and assumed it was probably because rush hour was over. It was similar to the time he was heading home from the city at 1 am. The moment he realized he was the only one in the cart, for a spilt second, he felt a rush of happiness. It felt like he owned the place; the king of the hill. Sadly, things just changed out of the blue once he got onto the 6. It went from a blissful silence to scary and creepy. A homeless guy, or weird guy (really couldn’t tell), just sat next to Shantanu. While homeless Harry asked him weird questions, like how old are you and where do you go to school, he thought to him what would happened if he punched the guy in the face. But luckily his stop came. He felt greatly relieved to get off the train. Once he got to Gregorys for coffee, he noticed he didn’t even need to say the order because the cashier already knew it.


Bin Bin’s journey to Baruch

Feeling miserable, Bin Bin woke up and got ready to leave his house. Walking to the station, he noticed there’s construction going on and does not feel like walking through the extra long path but he had to. Bin Bin got on the N train at the 62nd street train station in Brooklyn. He notices a guy holding a parcel with a coffee on top of it and feels unease, decides to step a bit farther away from the guy. The train finally arrived at 23rd street and Bin Bin got off the train and noticed how empty the station is. He wonders if he is too early for school. He started walking towards Baruch and noticed all the huge buses which reminds him of his hate towards traffic which is probably not a good thing to have living in a city like New York City.


Sadia’s Morning commute

As Sadia left her house and started towards Lafayette, she noticed that her annoying neighbor decided to block the sidewalk with his floral sofas and broken coffee table. She turned and talked towards the bus stop, everyone’s Halloween decorations seemed to disappear, being replaced  by autumn colored decor that matched the new layer of fallen leaves. Halloween just ended this weekend, how can people move on so quickly? Waiting for the bus, Beatrice Carmichael, already there, plays her daily game and starts staring at Sadia. Its nothing new for Sadia, this happened practically everyday since high school, from the bus stop, throughout the bus ride, all till the train stop. Finally on the train, Sadia notices that the train isn’t going express as it should be. Oh its going to express from Hunts Point to 3rd Ave-138th St, great just just as it should be. At 28th St, people started rampaging out of the train towards the turnstiles, pushing and shoving Sadia as she tried to get to the turnstiles as well. Quit pushing me in I’m no rush. Reaching the top of the station’s stairs, Sadia took a look around at the bright light bouncing off the buildings in front of her, there was barely anyone around anymore. Wow where did everyone suddenly go? Such then such a peaceful walk to Baruch.


Sofia’s journey to Baruch

As I stepped out of my house, I got a feeling of contentment and happiness because the warm hair hit me right in the face, surprisingly it wasn’t that cold fall air. I walked to the corner of my house to get on the Q47 bus and later get on the E train. After a couple stops on the bus, I finally got off on Roosevelt and rushed down the stairs to get on the next arriving E train. When the train arrived I felt even more happy because I actually managed to get a seat, mind you there is never a seat available, usually there isn’t even space to get on the train. It’s like trying to fit and push all your socks into your drawer. I got off the train at Lexington and speed walked to transfer to the downtown 6 train. When I got on the train I felt distracted because there was a big brolic guy standing right in front of me wearing this muscle shirt that read “straight outta the gym”, I found that quite hilarious. Another thing that I saw was this guy wearing converse, they looked fairly new, not worn out, blue jeans that weren’t worm out wither, and a normal white t shirt. He was calling out to everyone that that train to give him any spare change for something to eat or a hot meal.  That was pretty baffling because this guy probably has money to afford the clothes he was wearing, yet he was going around asking people for money. I was only on the 6 train for 4 stops but this had me so distracted because you really get to observe how different and interesting people really are. 23st station, and I rushed out the train hoping I could have time to buy a quick coffee. Luckily, the line wasn’t long so I went inside but there was a customer ahead of me that kept talking to the cashier, it was annoying me because a line started to form behind me and the cashier kept the conversation going.  Once the cashier realized there was actually a long line she asked me if I was ready to order. After waiting about 3 minutes for my coffee I rushed into Baruch College and flew upstairs to get to English class.


Sirleaf Journey to Baruch

Sirleaf journey to Baruch College this morning at 10:00 am was very interesting and he had a lot to observed and think about while on his way.

He left his house at 10:00 am to go to the corner store to grap a breakfast but the uncanny happened. The grocery owner asked him I thought your profession was a taxi driver but I am seeing with a hand and books. This question was embarrassing to Sirleaf and he responded by saying I’m not a taxi driver and it not my pprofession. This led him to think that he needed to graduate and find a job in his career of interest. Later, he left and took the E-Train at Sutphin Blvd and get off at Lexington and transfer on the 6-train and then get off at 23 street and Lexington.

And by 11:45 am, he was in the elevator upto the 11 floor and then walked down the stairs to the 9 floor and to his class English 2850 hybrid.




Marwa’s Early Morning Journey

Today when Marwa leaves her home she has a bunch of tension in her mind. She has to buy vegetables after the college as today is her cooking day and tomorrow she has the Public affairs midterm. So with all this tension she walks toward the subway station fast because she is already late for the morning class. Last night she makes a promise to herself that she will never get late for this class again. She does not like the morning classes because most of the time she becomes late for this class. Then she swipes in the station and luckily gets the M train as soon as she walks in the platform. It is early in the morning so the train is quite busy. This is another reason why she does not want to take the morning classes. She feels very sleepy and closes her eyes. Than on 59th street Lexington Avenue she changes the train and walks toward the downtown 6 train. She sees something very strange on the platform. There is a guy who always plays a very strange and sweet music which makes her whole day very relaxing but today instead of that guy there is a different guy who is playing a guitar and does not have any idea what he is playing. Then she gets in the 6 train and on 23rd street she gets off the train. On the platform she meets her nephew who studies in the same college where she does. She just waves her hand to him and with a rush walks toward the college and checks her watch. Today she is ten minutes late again.


Menik’s Third Person Journey To Baruch

Menik woke up after her alarm went off and she still feel tired after working the whole day the day before. She fought that feeling because she knew she had to go to her class. She checked her phone to see how the weather was going to be, lately the weather was unpredictable. She got out of the house wishing her next neighbors were not sitting down outside because they would have said hey and she did not feel like talking. She thought, “oh its good they’re not here,” She kept on walking without really paying attention to anything and she always kept hear earphones on.  She finally got into the 85th st-forest parkway station to catch the J train. She felt tired so that most of the time if she got somewhere to seat she would just take a nap in the train, then she fell asleep. She did not really fall asleep because of the thought she would miss her stop at Canal st. to catch the 6 train, so she kept waking up as the train went by. Finally she arrived at Canal st, she always found it annoying that there was so many people there and people walk so slow, but she kept it to herself. She just kept walking and she caught the 6 train to go to 23rd st. It did not take long. When she arrived there, she felt glad that she finally got there because she did not really like the ride and just kept walking to Baruch.


Jackie’s Trip to Baruch

After waking up in her friends apartment, Jackie’s commute to school was a little different then normal. Instead of having to take the train she only had to walk about a mile to campus. First, she walked out of the apartment building and along avenue c. While on avenue c she bumped into a lady who had put her cat in her shopping cart. She laughed inside remembering the time her and her sister tried to put their 100 pound pit bull in the bike basket. As she continued to walk and make a left turn onto 23rd street she saw a gentlemen wearing a Baruch t shirt. She immediately wondered if she knew him, but when she realized she didn’t she continued to walk. A few steps later she made a right turn onto 3rd avenue and walked into the bagel express. Upon walking in she realized the lady who usually works was not there. This made her curious about where the lady was, since she has never been to the bagel place when the lady was not there, but she probably just had a day off and it was nothing to worry about. After getting her hazelnut iced coffee, she proceeded to walk into the vertical campus building and up to class.


Simultaneity of Tuesday morning.

Matthew leaves the threshold of his home, going through the normal ritualistic pat-down, phone, check, keys, check, wallet, check, brain?… sure. Sigh, right then keep going. He paid no attention to the blocks as he passed them, instead lost in his head among thoughts of what needs doing and who needs calling, when he got to the railway overpass leading to the mall and subway. Dry as a bone. He like this bridge, usually, sometimes there are huddles of teenagers looking like they might want to vandalize something, but sometimes there’s a little kid with their parent, looking over the side as a train comes by and jumping up as it passes under them, as if it would have hit them. He’d done that to with his parents standing by and watching, imaginably with equal glee to the looks of the parents he saw now. But there was no one here today, not as he crossed the bridge or as he started down from it. As he took a step down he slipped, and launched his keys from his hand down onto the tracks below. Peering over the side he couldn’t see his keys anymore, but that had been years ago on a snowy day, and his keys were not there anymore.


Narrative Essay(Thet Oo)

This morning Thet left his house, walked toward the 44 bus station on Main Street. He noticed the Chase bank was empty. When he was on the 7 train, he noticed a man with two identical twins. Then, thoughts about mid-terms and the recent memory about some of the mistakes he made came to his mind. He got out of the 7 train and transfer to 6 train at Grand Central station. On the way to transfer to 6 train, he noticed that there were some people handing out flyers related to Christianity. Once he got on the 6 train, he saw a woman wearing a very interesting who was focusing on playing game on her cell home. Thought about the mid-terms came back again, while walking to the Newman Vertical Campus at Baruch.