M a n d a t o r y D:

(Mandatory is an icky word.)

My name is Elizabeth. It’s hard to say who I even just think I am.

I am the youngest of eight children. I think I’m a person who can be a bit to too hard on herself at times but funny enough,  I’m fairly lazy, and a chronic procrastinator, when in comes to school work. That’s something that will definitely have to change about me. I’m not an incredibly shy person. I usually manage to speak up in a class but I’m someone who values peace and quiet ( which makes the library one of my favorite places here at Baruch). I think I’m a pretty funny person. I try to keep things light but I can go into deep thought about so many things, my mind never stops racing.  I’m an artist, I love both music and physical art. I’m the daughter of a king! God is an enormous part of my life and my relationship with Him is constantly a work in progress. I try to think that I’m a nice person most of the time. I know I can be jokingly mean sometimes but I’ll never get mad if someone tells me they were actually hurt.I think I’m a gentle giant. :)

College has given me such a weird feeling. It’s like stepping on a warm wet rug. ( that’s a terrible analogy). It’s a bit uncomfortable because I feel like I’m still a kid but my life is moving forward into adulthood. I’m not too afraid of growing up but my first days of college made me realize I have to start making some decisions about my life which is always scary. I’m honestly debating whether to stay here at Baruch. There’s nothing wrong with my classes, the teachers are nice and I am learning a lot so far, but right now the school doesn’t seem like the right fit for me. I’m going to continue on with this semester and see where it takes me, because I’ve only been here for a few weeks I haven’t experienced everything. Nor do I really know what I want to do. I will ( and already am) having problems organizing my workload. Some classes have online homework and I always forget about those assignments because I’m so used to having a hard copy in front of me.

On that note, that’s one of the biggest differences between college and high school. The difficulty and workload between the two aren’t really far apart so far, maybe a bit more reading but that’s pretty much it. The big difference academically is the use of technology. Blogs, and online homework were pretty much non existent in high school so I’m used to just having handouts and that trips me up. Just this morning I realized I had an online math assignment that I hadn’t done; I had totally forgot it. This school is far bigger than my high school which had about 500 students, total. I went to a large middle school so it’s not like I can’t manage but I miss being able to meet people more easily.The commute is cut by about half an hour from my old school, which was in the Bronx, so that’s a nice change.

My first year of college will definitely change me because I have to start thinking about so many things. I don’t want to wait until the last second to pick a major but I want to really figure out what I want to do before I just jump into something. I really have to do my research. Having later morning classes has already made me appreciate sleep in a whole new way. I know this first year will change me a bit because I already am changing. Hopefully it’s all for the better. :)

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