
My name is Kyung Han but most people call me Kye. I went to Susan E. Wagner High School and I currently live in Staten Island. I’ve lived in Staten Island for most of my adolescents’ stage of my life so going to the city everyday has been a real culture shock. Staten Island is a pretty small island, compared to all the rest of the boroughs. You can do much on the island so most kids end up playing sports. I like to play a whole variety of sports, including basketball, volleyball, football, etc. I started getting into sports in middle school and I was one of those un-athletic kids growing up, but thank god that’s not the case anymore. When I was young, my friends and I played basketball in the spring/summer and football in the fall/winter every Friday. This was habitual. The one thing I don’t like is waking up. It is the worst feeling in the world. I’m always half asleep and I tend to zone out a lot. I am definitely not a morning person. I identify myself as just one of the many people fighting to get the competitive jobs. I put a lot of high standards on myself because I like achieving goals that require a lot of effort. I don’t like to listen to or follow people, unless their points are validated. I don’t put any limitations on myself. I am afraid of regret and all the “what ifs” that boggle up my mind, drive in insane. I feel most happy when I know my day was productive. I live everyday planning out how to get the most out of my day. I love learning something new every day. It is in my character to be the best of myself. Being a vegetable all day is not my forte. My goal in Baruch is to get a 4.0 grade point average and my biggest challenges in school are developing study habits and doing my work when it’s first given.  I have accomplished developing my work ethic, and I know how to print paper in the library. I play just as hard as I work. Whenever I need to get away from school, I call up my friends and spend my time with them. A lot of my friends tell me that I get really loud and obnoxious when I’m having fun. I don’t think that’s the case. My type of fun is doing things you know are stupid, but you do it anyway. During my free time, I sleep.

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