Dear Proffesor Smith,
I am sorry i was not able to attend class and take the exam this thursday, I was sick in bed with the flu. If by any chance you can give me a make up exam i would highly appreciate it.
Thank you
Nick Bowden
A topic in my life I feel extremely strong
about is the legalization of marijuana.Why is marijuana not legal? According to
the US
census in 2010 over 60 million people admitted to using the drug. Although it
is such a popular drug law enforcement arrest over 750,000 people a year for
marijuana possession. Marijuana arrest cost the country tons of money and waste
jail space for violent crime offenders and sexual predators. Marijuana
probation has been a major failure and its time to legalize marijuana.
Marijuana is currently the largest cash crop in the United States and legalizing the
drug would reduce the number of teenagers using the drug. Most teenagers will
admit that marijuana is a lot easier to get then alcohol or tobacco, witch are
legal drugs. Legalizing the drug would make the availability for teenagers much
less and would stop teenagers from selling the drug to make easy money. The
drug was first mad illegal through lies and propaganda. There were many propaganda
stories printed by William Randolph Heart saying that blacks and Mexicans were
smoking the drug and raping white woman which led to making the drug illegal
although these stories were completely false. Marijuana is also a lot safer and
hazardous to health then alcohol and many prescription drugs, and has no
addictive qualities. Tobacco use causes 435,000 deaths per year in the US and alcohol
85,000. There is no reported deaths from marijuana ever. Legalizing the drug
would inject 76.8 billion dollars a year in the economy, 44.1 billion from law
enforcement savings and 32.7 billion in tax revenue. Marijuana also has many
positive medical values, including reducing nausea in cancer chemotherapy
patients, stimulating appetite in Aid patients and helping with glaucoma. It is
time we smarten up and weigh out the positives and negatives of legalizing