Blog 3

My first semester at Baruch has gone pretty well. After realizing that I could get college credit for both pre-calc and calculus, I dropped my pre-calc class. Now on thursdays I start school at 2:30 which have made me very happy. In my other classes I am doing extremely well. The only class that has been giving me trouble is Art history. I think its because of all the memorization that is involved with that class. Overall, lecture classes don’t appeal to me. I get bored easily and I find my self falling asleep. Maybe its because my professors in my lecture classes are not that interesting.

Going into my second semester in Baruch I look forward to meeting new people and getting more involved. I also look forward to building a stronger resume. Socially, I thought that I may suffer at Baruch because of its quality of being a commuter school, but so far this has not been the case. Contrary, my social life has gotten better because of Baruch. I have made a few friends in freshman seminar and outside of freshman seminar. Although our freshman seminar class is coming to a close I am confident that most of us will keep in contact because of that fabulous Facebook group that we created.

Baruch has definitely changed me. I have become a more independent person because of college. My communication skills have especially been improved because of Baruch. The constant social obligations forced me to become a better speaker. Now, I have become more responsible because I have to follow schedules. I have never used the calendar application on my phone so much before Baruch. Baruch is a great school and right now I really like it.

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