Author Archives: jonathan.kranzler

Posts: 3 (archived below)
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Mandatory post 3

My first semester of college is finally coming to a close. I came in with many expectations and many were met. I was able to keep up with the work and found my entry level courses fairly easy. However, I did hope it would be easier to socialize with new kids. Since Baruch is primarily a commuter school, it is hard to hang out with these people outside of school. I enjoyed the freedoms college has to offer. I feel that this lack of pressure on top of me allowed me to work most effectively while making time  for leisure as well. College has taught me how to manage my time effectively too. If I could do this semester all over I would try to take better notes in class. Often times I rely on listening in class or reading the textbook for the tests. The only way I feel I have changed is that I am in full control of my life. I decide everything I do from a day to day basis. I have the decision whether to show up or not to class. This provided me with the motivation to take this responsibility and use it to have a successful semester. I am looking forward to building on this good start into a flourishing college career.

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Mandatory 2

Hi my name is Jonathan Kranzler. Many people call me Yoni since that is my Hebrew name. I am an addict. I am addicted to things that generate an adrenaline rush. I love that feeling you get from extreme sports or taking big risks with high rewards. I enjoy the rush from wrestling, snow boarding, working out or just about any competitive sport. I also enjoy the trill of gambling on poker, horse racing, or any sports. I am a very relaxed guy that doesn’t get rattled too often. To get me upset would take a lot of aggravation. However, the thing I am most nervous about is the uncertainty about the future. What will be with my life? Will I be comfortable economically? Will I be able to provide for a healthy family? If there was one philosophy I try to live by in dealing with others it would be to not be judgmental. It seems wrong to judge someone for something they did since no one is perfect and no one has gone through what that individual has experienced. This summer I moved to the city from the suburbs. Its been an amazing transition and I love being in the city. It should be interesting to see how things change from a homogeneous jewish suburb to the most amazing city in the world. Only time will tell. Im hoping to have some unforgettable years here at Baruch.

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Mandatory Post

My name is Jonathan Kranzler. You may hear people calling me Yoni since that is my hebrew name. I grew up in North Jersey and went to a Jewish private high school. This past summer I moved to the city with a few friends. I have a twenty minute walk to and from Baruch everyday. Last year I spent a year abroad in Israel studying the land and culture. Therefore, I am a year older than the average freshman. I’m a pretty chilled out guy that likes going out and having a fun time with my friends. I was the captain of my high school wrestling team and am currently an assistant coach for a high school team uptown. I plan on majoring in accounting or finance.

I don’t have too many academic concerns going into college. Work is work. I have seen tests, essays, and papers before. I’m used to memorizing information for a test.The only concern is that since Baruch is a commuter school its not as easy to meet new people. In a university residence hall everyone lives on campus and hangs around there. Most people i’ve met live at home and commute everyday. There’s no way I could live at home and I have a lot of respect for anyone who does. I’d still like more social events at night for Baruch students.

I think the main difference will be meeting people from other backgrounds and races. Living in a fairly affluent suburban community, I haven’t been exposed to range of students Baruch offers. I think this presents a great opportunity and learning experience. Looking forward to a great college experience.

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