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Post number three

To be honest, Baruch was more or less what I expected. Commuting makes Baruch seem like “high school part two”, but the alternating schedules make up for it. Baruch is a very career-orientated college in my opinion, so it is fair to say that college culture in Baruch is not that stellar.

I felt that I could have worked harder for my first semester. There were a lot of assignments to do and I had to memorize a lot of information. College professors are also harsh graders. I lost a number of points on a test for not giving “enough details”. I also still haven’t found a good place to eat yet, unfortunately.

If I could re-do my first semester, I would definitely study harder for my tests and attend all my classes. Then again, I have a feeling that I might repeat most of the things that I’ve done.

I think Baruch might have woken me up to the obligations placed in front of me. High school felt like a cruise, but college feels like a roller coaster. There seems to be so many bumps on the road that I will have to watch out for. I feel as though I might get left behind if I don’t put more effort in everything I do. Hopefully, I can carve a better future through Baruch.

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Blog 3

My first semester at Baruch has gone pretty well. After realizing that I could get college credit for both pre-calc and calculus, I dropped my pre-calc class. Now on thursdays I start school at 2:30 which have made me very happy. In my other classes I am doing extremely well. The only class that has been giving me trouble is Art history. I think its because of all the memorization that is involved with that class. Overall, lecture classes don’t appeal to me. I get bored easily and I find my self falling asleep. Maybe its because my professors in my lecture classes are not that interesting.

Going into my second semester in Baruch I look forward to meeting new people and getting more involved. I also look forward to building a stronger resume. Socially, I thought that I may suffer at Baruch because of its quality of being a commuter school, but so far this has not been the case. Contrary, my social life has gotten better because of Baruch. I have made a few friends in freshman seminar and outside of freshman seminar. Although our freshman seminar class is coming to a close I am confident that most of us will keep in contact because of that fabulous Facebook group that we created.

Baruch has definitely changed me. I have become a more independent person because of college. My communication skills have especially been improved because of Baruch. The constant social obligations forced me to become a better speaker. Now, I have become more responsible because I have to follow schedules. I have never used the calendar application on my phone so much before Baruch. Baruch is a great school and right now I really like it.

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Post Three

   Now that my first semester at Baruch College is coming to an end, I would say that it’s been a great, life-changing experience. Since I started college, I can definitely say that I’ve changed as a person and become more independent. College has taught me to think and act for myself. For instance, in high school the teachers basically held your hand and offered lots of help. If you had a problem with a teacher or with another student, you could go to the guidance counselor or principal and they would take care of it for you. This is not the case in college, and I’ve learned that in order to get things done you have to take matters into your own hands.

   My experience at Baruch has exceeded my expectations thus far. For the first few weeks, I truly didn’t want to go because I used to hate school and learning. It may sound strange, but I now actually look forward to waking up to come to school everyday here at Baruch. I think this new attitude stems from the fact that in college, there is a lot more independence. In my opinion, high school felt like it was a chore and it wasn’t fun at all, perhaps because it was so regimented. However, Baruch has a nice atmosphere and it’s very enjoyable for some reason. I think my first semester at Baruch has gone well and I have actually surprised myself in terms of the grades I’m getting. In high school, I would get 60′s or 70′s on tests, but here the lowest grade I’ve received is an 86%. Again, I have no idea why I am doing well, but I hope it stays that way.

   If I could do it all again, I would probably start my first semester off with a better attitude…like I said, I really dreaded coming here for the first week or two because I expected it to be just as boring as high school. Attending college has made me realize that the key to success is to always see the bright side of things and not second-guess yourself. I once heard a quote that says “success is a journey, not a destination.” Looking back, I think coming to Baruch was the  right choice and will be an interesting, exciting part of my “journey.”

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fro11frb 2011-11-19 22:14:52

My expectations at baruch have definately been lived up too. I like the school alot and i like the atmosphere. My first semester at baruch has gone alright, but i wish it coud have been better. I enjoy the school and people here and i have nothing to complain about when it comes to the people. There has been alot of work and i wish i could have done better keepping up with it. My main problem has been balancing my workload. I have alot of trouble doing my work because i spend so much time commuting from long island to the city. It takes 5 hours out of my day that i can be spending on work and i wish i could have that time.

Next semester i hope to get an apartment in the city. I feel that living here will definately help me get my work done. I plan on focusing only on my work next smester and get rid of all my dstractions ive had back home. I plan on bing a more focused and productive student next smester.

Since i started Baruch i feel i have changed greatly. I now know what its like to be a college student and how it is different from high school. I feel i have grown more mature and have definately done more work then i ever did in high school. Overall my first semester at Baruch has been good but there are a few things i would like to change and make better for next semester.

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rubin museum

Last week in freshman seminar we attended the the rubin museum. By the time we got to the museum it was closing so we only go to stay for a little bit. The museum seemed very interesting and fascinating. There were many pieces of art collected about the himalayas. The history has alot of past and history and in our short tour guide, we got to learn alot about the museum. The rubin museum has a wide collection of himalyan art. In the tour guide we got to see the Tibetan shrine room from the Alice S. Candell collection. The shrine has 170 pieces of created from the 13 to 19 century. All the work was collected by Alice in her visit there. I was looking through the rubin museum website and i found some new interesting pieces of art they have now added to there collection. Some of the artworks included the Sahaja Chakrasamvara, Great hierarch and the Vajravarahi. all these type of arts vary n different ways they are displayed. The Sahaja is on a piece of cloth, The great Hierarch is a statute and the vajavarahi is also on a piece of cloth. The rubin museum is an excellent way to learn about past himalyan culture and to learn about its past history.

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Blog Post 3

My first semester at Baruch has gone well. Coming into the school, I expected it to be a lot of work and it definitely has been. There were many things to get adjusted to including commuting to school everyday after walking three blocks to school for the past four years, dealing with getting out later then I ever have before, and handling the big workload I was going to get from my classes. So far, Baruch has definitely lived up to my expectations. I knew coming in that it would be a tough school and it has been but it is to my benefit. One thing that exceeded my expectations was the campus. I didn’t think it would be that nice and I also underestimated how important the library can be. Whenever I have a break, I usually spend my time in there.

I believe I’ve done pretty well in Baruch so far. I’ve adjusted nicely to all of the changes I mentioned above and as I type this, I haven’t gotten lower than an 80 on anything I’ve done to this point in my classes which I’m pleased in. The semester’s far from over since there are still more tests to take and papers to write but overall, I’m happy with how the semester has turned out. There isn’t much I’d do differently but there are a couple of minor things I would change going forward. One thing is studying better. While my studying habits have improved from high school, they still need to get better. I’m one just to go over notes I took and say I’ve done enough but it has burned me with some questions where if I made a study guide or something to that extent, I would have done better. Also, I still want to plan out things better. While I have when I’m doing stuff set out pretty nicely, I’ve gotten lazy and pushed things off. The next couple of weeks coming up are going to be tough since I have tests and papers due so I have to cut out some days where I decide to do nothing and focus on my work.

I have definitely changed since I started at Baruch back in August. While I considered myself mature coming into the school, I’ve become even more mature since then. Between work and school, I feel as if I’m no longer a kid and actually an adult so I’m starting to act like it. Also, I’m always busy with different things so I’m never sitting around bored. Last year, I napped everyday and just acted like a bum which is extremely different then this year where there’s never time for me to lay around the house especially during the week. Overall, I’m happy with how my first semester at Baruch went and I hope the future semesters go this well.

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That Bhuddah

Last week we attended the Rubin museum as a freshman seminar class, sadly we were only there for thirty minutes. Honestly i was quite interested in this museum because it related to me. My family enjoys rock climbing and hiking a lot so my father and his friends travel quite a bit. (Himalayan) Mount Everest is on the borders on Nepal and Tibet so it was nice to learn a little culture about the place my dad wants to go one day.

Usually i hate museums because they are long, boring, and i can find most of the information on the internet but i actually enjoyed this museum. I learned about how you don’t wear jewelery when you are enlightened , gain an extra bump on your head to show you gained knowledge, and how the position of ones hand showed your status(teacher).

One thing that stood out more than anything else was the environment of the museum. Maybe it was the emptiness of the closing museum but the quiet darkness of the scrolls and eerie “flame lit” shrines were cool beans.

I would recommend this museum if i ever did recommend a museum.

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fro11frb 2011-10-30 19:21:10

Dear Proffesor Smith,

I am sorry i was not able to attend class and take the exam this thursday, I was sick in bed with the flu. If by any chance you can give me a make up exam i would highly appreciate it.

Thank you

Nick Bowden


A topic in my life I feel extremely strong
about is the legalization of marijuana.Why is marijuana not legal? According to
the US
census in 2010 over 60 million people admitted to using the drug. Although it
is such a popular drug law enforcement arrest over 750,000 people a year for
marijuana possession. Marijuana arrest cost the country tons of money and waste
jail space for violent crime offenders and sexual predators. Marijuana
probation has been a major failure and its time to legalize marijuana.
Marijuana is currently the largest cash crop in the United States and legalizing the
drug would reduce the number of teenagers using the drug. Most teenagers will
admit that marijuana is a lot easier to get then alcohol or tobacco, witch are
legal drugs. Legalizing the drug would make the availability for teenagers much
less and would stop teenagers from selling the drug to make easy money. The
drug was first mad illegal through lies and propaganda. There were many propaganda
stories printed by William Randolph Heart saying that blacks and Mexicans were
smoking the drug and raping white woman which led to making the drug illegal
although these stories were completely false. Marijuana is also a lot safer and
hazardous to health then alcohol and many prescription drugs, and has no
addictive qualities. Tobacco use causes 435,000 deaths per year in the US and alcohol
85,000. There is no reported deaths from marijuana ever. Legalizing the drug
would inject 76.8 billion dollars a year in the economy, 44.1 billion from law
enforcement savings and 32.7 billion in tax revenue. Marijuana also has many
positive medical values, including reducing nausea in cancer chemotherapy
patients, stimulating appetite in Aid patients and helping with glaucoma. It is
time we smarten up and weigh out the positives and negatives of legalizing

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Professor and monologue

Dear Professor Beans.

I am sending an email to you  to confirm that i was absent on 10/11/2011  because i attended a funeral. I am sorry for the absents and is very unlikely to happen again.

Benjamin kim art 11001 193h


Sorry my monologue was terrible. I have trouble processing my thoughts into words so it makes it pretty tough.
people always asks me why i want to be a chef, and i always reply i don’t know.  I honestly don’t know why but I feel like that is what i want to do. I enjoy cooking and seeing other people enjoy it, sadly i am lazy and don’t like to shop for all the ingredients. I think my real ” passion” for cooking comes from my childhood where i grew up in my parents produce store. i would always go to the kitchen of the Italian restaurant next to my parent’s store. I would see everyone cooking and see all the cool stuff they would make. Im just happy when i do it.

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1. Tell us who you think YOU are!

Hola! me llamo benjamin kim. I am a normal american born korean student. I am very normal and do normal things like going to the mall, taking long walks on the beach, and skateboarding.  I actually don’t do any of that stuff. meow.

2. Share your top 3 concerns about your freshman year at Baruch College and explain why.

My first and foremost concern is making it to school, I took 2 years off of college so its a little difficult getting back into that learning groove.

My second concern is making friends. I feel old when im in my classes. Even though this shouldnt really effect me when making friends, it does.

MY third concern is studying.I never really studied for anything in my life… focusing is hard :[

3. So far, what do you think will make your Baruch College experience different from your high school experience?

The amount of free time and lack of “care” from teachers is what makes college different from highschool for me.

4. How do you think your first year at College will change you?

I’m no fortune teller but i don’t think it will change me much.

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