
This blog is dedicated to helping people overcome adversity in each one of the five dimensions of their lives.

“The Six Steps to Overcoming Adversity” is the title of a lecture by Mr. Jack Doueck. Jack has been inspiring Baruch College students with this topic since the Fall of 2005, and every semester and year since. This blog will describe the six steps and include many quotes and links that will help you overcome your adversity and create success. You are invited to share your personal anecdotes of how you have faced challenges and how you overcame. You can submit true situations of how you used the six steps to turn your stressful experience into a success.

You can describe what benefit you derived from your hardships, what you learned from your adversity and how you used it to enrich your life and the lives of others. Feel free to comment on any aspect of this blog and here’s to our mutual success in our future careers and in life!


You might also find Jim Vining's site helpful: Ways to Overcome Adversity Click Here: http://www.waystoovercomeadversity.com/