In this 6 minute TED Talk, Angela Lee Duckworth speaks about her scientific discovery on the secret to success in almost any field: it is one word: “Grit”. Otherwise known as perseverance, or passion or resiliency. It is that special attribute that gives us the strength to overcome challenges and adversity and keep going, keep trying and never quit. She doesn’t say how someone cultivates grit into their lives. I believe the answer is in mastering the 6 steps.
Link: Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit
This is the amazing story of Richie Parker, born without arms – rises to live his dream of designing race cars. He is a professional Engineer who swears that he can do everything anyone else can do and that no one will tell him that he is handicapped. If you think you were born with adversity, or if you are facing challenges or obstacles — watch this 8 minute video and realize that you can overcome!
Link: Being Born Without Arms #RichiParker
This is an 8-minute video of a 22 year-old homeless boy who first tell the world about his life, and then he does what he loves to do: sing. He steals the talent show and the hearts of millions of people everywhere. Can people overcome adversity and rise to the occasion? Is it possible to make your contribution to society, to live your dream, even though you have difficulties and obstacles? This young man proves that the answer is “YES!”
Link: Homeless Boy Steals The Talent Show
The following 15 minute video of Diana Nyad, the 64 year-old woman who : swam 53 hours and more than 100 miles from Cuba to Florida, is entitled “Never, ever give up”
Her mantra she used to overcome incredible adversity was “Find a way”. In the pitch-black night, stung by jellyfish, choking on salt water, singing to herself, hallucinating, Diana “found a way” to live her dream and accomplish her life-long goal. Very inspiring.
Link: Diana Nyad: Never, ever give up
This 7 minute video is another one that gives me goosebumps. Here you have a shy boy who is humble, and self-conscious about his weight deliver an amazing performance. More evidence that people can overcome almost any adversity and use their talents to make a difference in the lives of others.
Link: Shy Boy and his Friend Shock the Audience with The Prayer – Unbelievable
This is a 5 minute video about Katie Piper, the model who was attacked. Someone threw a cup of acid at her, totally destroying her face. She learned how to overcome unbelievable adversity and spends time helping and inspiring others.
She talks in this interview about the importance of the unconditional love of friends and family – the love that helped get her through this.
There are many more videos on Youtube about Katie Piper… many of them very graphic.
This one is easier to watch, but all of them are inspirational to me.
Link: Sunrise: Katie Piper recovering after acid attack
The following 5 minute video is of Susan Boyle singing “I dreamed a dream” from the play Les Miserables on “Britains Got Talent” in 2009. The video can teach us so many lessons:
Here are a few: “Don’t judge a book by its cover” “If you set your mind to it – you can do almost anything” “Give everyone a chance and don’t pre-judge someone until you hear them out”…
It also exemplifies how a person can overcome serious handicaps and become a star.
Link: Susan Boyle – Britain Got Talent
Video of Lecture by Jack Doueck at Baruch College on 10/16/13. This is a 64 minute video of the actual class.
Link: The Six Steps to Overcoming Adversity
Amy Purdy had bacterial meningitis and she talks about “Living Beyond Limits”. (about 9 minutes, filmed 5/11, TED TALKS) “Our adversity can force us to become creative”, she says. She won two back to back World Cup Gold Medals just a few years after losing both her legs! She founded a nonprofit that helps kids with disabilities compete athletically. What an inspiration!
Link: Live It — Amy Purdy
Ron Finley has become a guerilla gardener in South Central LA. he plants vegetable gardens in abandoned lots, traffic medians, homeless shelters, along the curbs. find out Why. (11 minutes) (TED TALKS)
Link: Ron Finley: A guerilla gardener in South Central LA
(Emotional disease) This is an inspiring 11 minute speech by Kevin Breel, teenage comedian, on (TED TALKS)
Link: Kevin Breel: Confessions of a Depressed Comic at TEDxKids@Ambleside
Steve Jobs speech at Stanford University: (15 minutes, filmed in June 2005)
Link: How to live before you die – Steve Job explains
The Definition of Effective Altruism by Peter Singer. 19,000 children die each and every day needlessly. What we can do to make a difference. (17 minutes)
Link: Peter Singer: The why and how of effective altruism
2 and a half minute video showing how people like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Oprah Wimphrey, Michael Jordan and others overcame and became successes despite the naysayers. This is a perfect introduction to this blog. A must-view for everyone who wants inspiration to overcome adversity and reach his/her potential in life. Entitled “A few people that overcame Adversity to make their dreams come true” (Youtube)
Link: A few people that overcame Adversity to make their dreams come true
The story of the 4′ 11″ kid who dreamed of playing college basketball and overcame all his physical limitations to make his dream come true. (5 minutes, YouTube)
Link: Overcoming Adversity
4 and a half minutes of great music, beautiful scenes, inspirational quotes that helped a boy deal with physical disease and move his life forward.
Link: Motivational Video – Blink of a Moment
Derek Redmond, favored to win the gold medal in the 400 meter sprint in the Olympics — tore a hamstring in the middle of the race…. but finished to the standing ovation of 65,000 fans. “You can’t fail if you don’t give up”. 3 minutes that guarantee to bring tears to your eyes:
Link: Try to Watch Without Crying
This is an 8 minute youtube from “Korea’s Got Talent” that you will never forget and leave you in tears:
Link: Homeless Boy Steals The Talent Show
The story of aHeather Dorniden, a runner in the 2008 Big Ten Championship 600 meter race. She takes a fall — but refuses to quit and makes an incredible comeback to win the race. 2 and a half minutes of sheer inspiration!
Link: Girl Takes a Terrible Fall During a Race
Jim Abbott has only one hand. Yet he overcame his physical disability and became a pitcher for the New York Yankees. Then he did something only a few pitchers have ever done. He pitched a “No Hitter”. Heres is the 51 second video.
Link: “Carpe Diem” Dead Poets Society
This is a 6 minute motivational video entitled ” Best Motivation Video – Never Give Up!” It includes film clips from “Rocky”, “the Pursuit of Happyness” and real films of Derrick Rose, Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan. “Sacrifice what you are for what you want to become… don’t accept average – you’re better than that…”… the last minute is amazing – don’t miss it!
Link: Best Motivation Video – Never Give Up!
3 and a half minute motivational video. Rise and Shine, overcome the voice inside that keeps telling you that you can’t do it… and find your greatness.
Link: The Best Motivation Video This Week – Welcome To The Grind
How making small changes each and every day can completely change your life.
Link: Tony Robbins- The difference Between a Winner and a Loser
Tony Robbins, in this “TED TALKS” video discusses the “6 human needs” that make us do what we do. It is entitled “Why we do what we do”. More than 6 million people have viewed this video about how “your decisions shape your destiny”. He has interacted with more than 3,000,000 people from 80 different countries over the last 30 years. He talks about the 6 essential human needs: Certainty, Variety, Significance, Connection/Love, Growth, and Contribution (Giving). (By the way, that is Al Gore in the front row).
Link: Tony Robbins: Why we do what we do
This is the original commercial with Michael Jordan. “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career…. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed” In 1995, when the commercial came out I wrote down the words, and typed them, printed them out and put them on a picture of Jordan from a magazine cover and framed it. I then put it on my desk in my office. It has been there ever since.
Link: Michael Jordan — “Failure”
This 3 minute video reminds me of the quote “10% of life is what happens to you. 90% is how you respond to what happens to you”. This tells the true story about a US Soldier who fought in Iraq and had his vehicle blown to bits. He was the only survivor and now he dedicates his life to making people laugh. This is a story of courage and of overcoming extreme adversity and making the most of your life.
Link: Wounded warrior Bobby Henline brings the healing power of humor to others
Will Smith succeeds. This is a memorable scene from the movie. It is Will Smith at his best.
Link: The Pursuit Of Happyness
Larry Smith the economist spends 15 minutes explaing “Why you will fail to have a great Career”
Link: Why you will fail to have a great career
This is a short YouTube video of a boy who lost his eyesight – but was determined not to let him lose his spirit. He overcame his blindness and actually played for his high school varsity tackle football team! It is an inspiring story of courage, perseverance, of the power of a positive attitude, and of faith.
Link: Jake Olson Fights On