UN resolution


Mauricio Tandazo

SPA 4003

Traducción de una resolución Del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas



United Nations                                                                                             S/RES/2320 (2016)

Security Council

Resolution 2320 (2016)

Adopted by the Security Council at its 7815th meeting, on 10 December 2016


The Security Council,


Emphasizing the need for peace and justice, and the determination to preserve sovereignty, political independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine,


Recalling that all member States, when accepting the Charter of the United Nations, have contracted the duty of acting in conformity with the Charter,


  1. Insists that adherence to the United Nations Charter principles requires peace and respect towards the territorial integrity of States be established,


  1. Urges Ukraine to authorize the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to hold a new referendum in an environment of genuine peace and public stability in order to give a legal standing the decision of the citizens of Crimea,


  1. Decides to remain seized of the matter.


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