Monthly Archives: February 2017

Wireless changes

Here’s a brief overview of the wireless changes, past, present and future:

  • The Baruch-Wifi network no longer accepts logins from faculty, staff and students.  It will be renamed to Baruch-Visitors after the end of the semester.  It will only be used for individuals who receive temporary accounts for daily use.
  • The Baruch-Guest network, which currently uses single guest login codes, will be renamed Baruch-Events after the spring semester 2017.  This network will be used for campus events who get a shared code for login.
  • The Baruch-Students and Baruch-FacStaff networks still work as they have, but will be retired after spring semester 2017.
  • The Baruch network is now active, and is in fact the preferred network for students to use as of now.  Faculty and staff can also use it now, but will need to login with their domain\username (i.e. bctc\bbaruch).  After spring semester 2017, they will use only their username, and the domain will no longer work (since everyone is being moved to a single domain as of early summer 2017).

While the long-term situation after this semester will be much simpler for everyone, there is some short-term complexity, and we thank you for your patience during this time.


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