No death in Vain!
This propaganda is explaining the cause of the WWII. It is categorized as and describesa good War because Americans were fighting to defend and protect their people from harm and futre attacks.
This propaganda is explaining the cause of the WWII. It is categorized as and describesa good War because Americans were fighting to defend and protect their people from harm and futre attacks.
2b) The perspective of the creator was most likely to get people to understand that World War 2 was a holistic war. It was a holistic war in the sense that it drew and called upon everyone in the nation … Continue reading
Hilter lead Germany into World War 1.In this photo it portrays Hitlers dictatorship. He was known for controlling Germany during this time. He was known for killing 6 million Jews also known as the holocaust. When dictator, he believed that … Continue reading
Some people would caracterize World War II as a “Good War.” They would say that we were fighting for our four freedoms. Those freedoms would be freedom of worship, freedom from fear, freedom of speech, and freedom from want. This picture depicts … Continue reading
The author of this propaganda justifies America’s participation in the war by saying that, like the Revolutionary War in 1778, America is fighting for justice and liberty. Its presence in the war has a cause, and the cause is a … Continue reading
This is a political cartoon of Adolf Hitler in swastika-branded boxers. The “panzers” in the cartoon not only refers to his pants down, but also the panzer tanks littered in the background. This propaganda poster is in favor the war … Continue reading
This poster produced during WWII categorized the war as a “Good War” for Americans. It’s a “Good War’ because we are fighting for freedom, against oppressive dictatorships. The Nazis burned books that were against their beliefs and were “un-German”. The … Continue reading
This picture was created by George Rapp in 1943. This poster shows a head to shoulder shot of a woman operating a machine that is part of World War II production effort. This picture shows that women are happy to work … Continue reading
When The Lights Go On Again Performed by: Vera Lynn Written by: B Benjamin; S Marcus; E Seiler When the lights go on again all over the world And the boys are home again all over the world And rain … Continue reading The link above shows a speech that President Roosevelt made to Congress on August 21st, 1941 in regards to the Atlantic Charter. In his message he speaks about aiding democracies in both the East and West in the war … Continue reading
The objective of the artist was to say that you need to be a man and enter the war. the artist was trying to assert that the war cannot be won if we just sit on the home front … Continue reading
In this propaganda poster, the artist illustrates that Americans should avenge for December 7th, 1941. The artist reminds all Americans about the tragic incident that occurred on that date, the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Entering the World War II to … Continue reading
President Franklin D. Roosevelt expressed four freedoms that should serve as a foundation not only for the U.S. but for the world: the four freedoms- Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship, Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Fear. following this … Continue reading
I believe the author of this poster was trying to show the unity it takes to win a war, like World War 2. The poster shows a group of young men waving flags and participating in what looks like some … Continue reading
The perspective of this picture is to encourage the war. This is a message telling Americans that if we united we will win the war. this can get most Americans to think the same and be patriotic. The creator of … Continue reading
This video depicts women taking over the work force in World War II. Since all the men were off fighting the war, women often had to take over their jobs to keep the country going. The Song in the video … Continue reading
The perspective of this artist is that everyone should help support the war by financing it through purchasing bonds. The author’s objective is obviously asking for 10% of everyone’s payday to be spent into bonds and that objective is obviously … Continue reading
This propaganda poster was made to inform women that fighting for their country will not only help America and war effort, but it would also help gain support for women’s rights. The artist of this poster wanted to get more … Continue reading
The perspective of the artist of this picture is someone most likely against Nazi Germany and their attempt in trying to take over all of Europe. The artist is sending out the message that the United States can be their … Continue reading
1) Read Foner, chapter 22 2a) Show or describe one primary document produced during World War II that characterized the war as a “Good War” for Americans (i.e. fighting for a good cause). This can be a song, video, poster … Continue reading