Translation on an Ad

This was a fun assignment. My mother and I were talking over the phone, and she gave the idea of this ad. The reason why I picked this ad, not only because my mother recommended me, but because although it’s short, it is also straight to the point. This ad uses a Spanish colloquial phrase that is popular in Puerto Rico.  Which is “pelo esponjado”.


During the process of translating it, I had to change the colloquial phrase to “fluffy hair”. it didn’t make sense to say spongy hair because normally is referred to as “fluffy hair”. I had help from a few female friends, and also from the website Word Reference. The next phrase “Dominalo” was changed to conquer it. I did this because although you can find ads that say dominate it, I saw that conquer it was more popular. Hence, I changed it to conquer it since more commonly used.


Also, I would like to mention that the exclamation point after fluffy hair was a typo when I was using photoshop, I meant to write a question mark instead.

2 thoughts on “Translation on an Ad

  1. If you look at ads for shampoo in English, they’ll often promise to give you “fluffy” hair: it’s something people want! Jennifer is right that “frizzy” is a quality people don’t want. Another word that might do is “flyaway” since that describes the picture. A good way to find this kind of vocabulary is to look at shampoo ads in English and see what conditions they promise to get rid of.

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