UN Translation

United Nations
Security Council

Resolution 2320 (2016)

Adopted by the Security Council at its 7815th meeting, on 10 December 2016

The Security Council,

Reaffirming the need for a just peace, the determination to preserve the sovereignty, political independence, unity, and territorial integrity of Ukraine,

Affirming that all member states, in accepting the Charter of the United Nations, have undertaken a commitment to act in accordance with what the Charter establishes,

1.         Insists that abidance with the values of the Charter of the United Nations requires that peace and respect for the territorial integrity of nations be established;

2.         Urges Ukraine to authorize the Crimean Peninsula to hold a new referendum in a genuine environment of peace and public stability so that in this manner legal character be given to this decision of the citizens of Crimea,

  1.         Decides to remain actively seized in the matter.

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