Translation of Traduccion

April 14th, 2016


To whom it may concern:


It is my absolute pleasure to recommend Alberto Ramos to work for your company. I’ve had the satisfaction of working with Mr. Ramos for five years, he’s held the position of sales manager and has been able to increase sales by 15 percent. I must say that he has indeed surpassed my expectations by maximizing our business to such an extent we never imagined.

Alberto has demonstrated an ability to work consistently and with much aspiration to become the best that he can be. I can testify to Alberto’s ability to relate to people and be tactful. He is a great team player and a natural leader. He’s always been amiable, and quite sympathetic towards his colleagues.

I confide and trust Alberto to demonstrate his capacity, excellency and consistency to work with your company.

May any questions arise, feel free to contact me.



Beverly James

TEL: 646-119-8189


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