Análisis de campañas publicitarias de un mismo producto en español y en inglés – Jeniffer Hernández


These two commercials are both advertising Cacique (Queso Fresco) but chose to do it in different ways. In the English commercial, they use Aarón Sânchez, famed chef from the Food Network where some English-speaking American viewers may know him from. Aarón’s first words are Cacique’s tagline, “Go Auténtico” that keeps the Spanish word that may signify that the target audience of this commercial are Latinos and/or people who want authentic Mexican dishes, as he constantly repeats how authentic the cheese is. They also chose to employ Hispanic-looking actors to further demonstrate how authentic Cacique is. In the Spanish commercial, they choose to focus on the taste, “qué es más rico que Cacique, absolutamente nada.” Family also seems to be important and valued as they show the three generations of women as they talk about how Cacique has existed for three generations. Cacique is also for the audience, for the taste you like for your dishes with fresh and natural ingredients.



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