Traducción de una resolución del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas – Jeniffer Hernandez

Resolution 2320 (2016)

Adopted by the Security Council at its 7815th meeting, on 10 December, 2016

The Security Council,

Reaffirming the need for a just peace, and the determination to maintain sovereignty, political independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine,

Emphasizing that all Member States in their acceptance the Charter of the United Nations, have committed to act in accordance to the Charter,

  1. Insists on the adherence to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations that requires the establishment of peace and respect towards the nation’s territorial integrity;
  1. Urges Ukraine to authorize the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to hold a new referendum in an atmosphere of  genuine peace and public stability so that the decision of the citizens of Crimea can have legal standing,
  2. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Traducción Médica – Jeniffer Hernandez

Insuficiencia Cardiaca

Insuf Card 2016; 11 (3): 115-121

Pulmonary arterial hypertension in adult congenital heart disease

Impact and outcome

Data from the GUTI-GUCH Registry

Claudio Gabriel Morós, Marisa Pacheco Otero, Gianina Faliva, María del Carmen Rubio, Mariana López Daneri, Isabel Torres, Inés Abella, Álvaro Sosa Liprandi, Liliana Noemí Nicolosi, María Grippo


Adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) is one of the fastest growing cardiology subgroups in recent years due to early diagnosis and advances in surgical and endovascular treatment. It is calculated that 85-95% of patients with congenital heart disease will reach adulthood. The survival of these patients create complications and sequelae that contribute to higher  rates of hospitalization and new surgeries, among other procedures.

It is estimated that 5 to 10% of patients with ACHD will develop pulmonary hypertension (PH) in its progression, making it one of the most common causes of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), after connective tissues diseases. Its occurrence is related to a worse prognosis.

The objective of this present study was to analyze the epidemiological characteristics, clinical and pharmacological treatment in patients with PAH and their impact on survival.

Traducción de un anuncio – Jeniffer Hernandez



Translated Version:


In the original Spanish version, international soccer star Lionel Messi. Although he is well-known around the world, I decided to replace him with famous basketball star LeBron James. Both ads are aimed at parents because they are mention children and with the inclusion of athletes maybe the children will feel more inclined to eat this brand of bread.

Análisis de campañas publicitarias de un mismo producto en español y en inglés – Jeniffer Hernández


These two commercials are both advertising Cacique (Queso Fresco) but chose to do it in different ways. In the English commercial, they use Aarón Sânchez, famed chef from the Food Network where some English-speaking American viewers may know him from. Aarón’s first words are Cacique’s tagline, “Go Auténtico” that keeps the Spanish word that may signify that the target audience of this commercial are Latinos and/or people who want authentic Mexican dishes, as he constantly repeats how authentic the cheese is. They also chose to employ Hispanic-looking actors to further demonstrate how authentic Cacique is. In the Spanish commercial, they choose to focus on the taste, “qué es más rico que Cacique, absolutamente nada.” Family also seems to be important and valued as they show the three generations of women as they talk about how Cacique has existed for three generations. Cacique is also for the audience, for the taste you like for your dishes with fresh and natural ingredients.



Traducción de deportes – Jeniffer Hernández

Atlético Madrid Ties With Barça

By: Pablo Egea, September 21, 2016

The two points that escaped from Camp Nou against Atlético Madrid were perhaps the least of Barcelona’s worries during the match. Messi’s expression and hands on his groin rang the alarm throughout the stadium as fans felt the superstar’s pain. Barça did not overcome the tie and considering each team’s efforts, maybe it was not that big of a surprise.

Watching the soccer game that Barcelona played during the first half, few expected what happened next. The Blaugrana monopolized the ball, surrounded Atleti in their area and did not let them breathe, Simone only caught his breath when he returned to the locker room.

Barcelona’s recovery happened near the rival’s front-end. Piqué almost played like another midfielder as he noticed that the rival was not crossing the division and the right and left-backs Jordi Alba and Sergi Roberto were a real threat. Camp Nou were enjoying themselves and Atlético didn’t know which way the wind was blowing.

Carta de recomendación, original y traducción – Jeniffer Hernández


Cuenca, 25 de octubre del 2016

A quien corresponda:

Me permito informarle por medio de la presente que conozco ampliamente a la señorita Jeniffer Hernández desde hace ya 6 años y puedo dar fe de su superación laboral constante mientras trabajó con nosotros como asistente.

Me consta que la Srta. Hernández es una persona confiable, entusiasta, responsable y competente para cualquier trabajo que se le enmiende. Durante el tiempo que trabajó con nosotros, no solamente ha dado lo mejor de sí y realizado su trabajo con mucha eficiencia, sino que también ha sido una gran colega gracias a su honestidad, flexibilidad y calidad humana.

Sé que la Srta. Hernández cumplirá con todo lo que se le sea requerido exitosamente, por esa razón no tengo ningún inconveniente en recomendarla.  

De antemano, muchas gracias por la atención brindada a la presente.


Lic. Jessica Aucaquizhpi

Dirección: 1-31 Javier Loyola y Francisco Calderón

Telefono: 347-731-8534

Fax: 347-731-8524


October 25, 2016

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter as a reference for Jeniffer Hernandez whom I have worked with for the past six years. As an assistant, Jeniffer Hernandez has fulfilled her employment responsibilities during her time with us.

Jeniffer is enthusiastic, responsible, and competent for all her work. While working here, she has not only given us her best and also been efficient, but she has also been a great coworker thanks to her honesty, flexibility, and overall great personality.

I know that Jeniffer will exceed at any task and which is why I am happy to act as a reference.


Jessica Aucaquizhpi

1-31 Javier Loyola y Francisco Calderón

Phone: 347-731-8534

Fax: 347-731-8524

Traducción de noticias – Jeniffer Hernandez

Brazil’s Lula: “Maximum Commander” of Petrobras’ corruption scandal

By: Alberto Armendáriz LA NACION | September 14, 2016, 8:39 PM

RIO DE JANEIRO. Brazil’s judiciary is closing in on Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. For the first time yesterday, the federal prosecutors who are investigating the multimillion-dollar Petrobras corruption case, formally charged the popular Brazilian ex-president (2003-2010) of leading the state-run oil company’s graft scheme.

Deltan Dallagnol, lead prosecutor of the so-called Operation Car Wash, declared that “Lula was the maximum commander of Petrobras’ corruption scheme,” during a press conference in Curitiba, the center of the ongoing investigation that shook the Brazilian political and business world a little longer than two years ago.

Traducción diagnóstica (Revisada) – Jeniffer Hernandez


El Diario Nueva York, August 24, 2016

Despite Trump’s mishaps, Republicans sharpen strategy to win in November

By María Peña

WASHINGTON. With only 76 days until the presidential election, the Republicans are sharpening their political and electoral strategy to win next November, amid huge personnel, fundraising, and poll disadvantages.

August has been a bad press month for the the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, who has had to make personnel changes to his campaign and is working against the clock to gain support from African American and Latino voters.


USA TODAY, 25 de agosto, 2016

Encuesta: Clinton diez puntos delante de Trump a nivel nacional

Por Eliza Collins

Hillary Clinton tiene una ventaja de diez puntos sobre Donald Trump a nivel nacional, según una encuesta nacional de la Universidad Quinnipiac publicada el jueves.

La encuesta encontró que la nominada demócrata tiene el 51% con los votantes probables, mientras el 41% apoya a Trump.

Clinton tiene el apoyo de 60% de las mujeres, mientras Trump tiene el 36%. Trump ganó entre los hombres con 48% mientras Clinton cuenta con el 42%.

Machine Translation vs. Human Translation – Jeniffer Hernandez

As learned in the “Inside Google Translate” video, Google Translate and other machine translators work very similarly to search engines, the more popular the result the more likely you are to receiving the result. When someone forgets how to say a simple phrase or wants to check the spelling of a word, that person can simply use a search engine to confirm or deny if their suspicion was correct or not. With Google Translate and other translating websites, one should treat it the same way. If in a moment of distress you forget how to say “What is your name?” in another language, go for it. But in moments where it is critical for something to make complete sense, it is best to do it by hand.

When I initially passed the articles through Google translate, the results seemed to be pretty accurate. As I looked closer to the translations, I noticed small mistakes that could easily confuse the reader.  With the article Portland won’t remove graffiti depicting LePage in Ku Klux Klan robe – the translation seemed pretty solid. In the second paragraph the original article cites that the words “Dump LePage” are located on the piece while Google Translate, rather than translating the words in quotes, it separates them into ‘“descarga’ en LePage” which makes no sense. Perhaps, the machine believed LePage to be a place but the addition of the “en” is confusing. To prevent confusion, the translation should have been along the lines of “desgarga LePage” or “Boten LePage.” If a person were behind this translation, they would recognize that the “en” as a translation of “in” talked about the size of the piece not LePage, but would still be the wrong word to choose. The last phrase, “in 6-foot-high red and white block letters,” was translated into “6 pies de altura letras mayúsculas rojas y blancas” which, is missing a word to connect it and the original do not mention the words to be uppercase but rather “block letters.”

In La Jornada’s article, while the machine translation was not off, if it were translated for an English audience, rather than simply referring to Juan Gabriel as the “Divo” I would have gone the extra step to add his name. While in Mexico everyone knows who the Divo is without naming it, American audiences might know, the majority will likely not. The second sentence of the first paragraph’s machine translation had “…and the Alameda crossed the line waiting to enter the lobby become funeral oratory,” it was not the Alameda that crossed the line, but rather it was the people that crossed the Alameda. In another instance of confusion, the second paragraph began with “How wonderful!” He was heard from the speakers the voice of Juan Gabriel, unmistakable.,” while the structure of that sentence worked in Spanish, it was confusing in English. For example, in Spanish the “se oyó” meant that the voice was heard, but in English with “he was heard” would perplex any reader, who was the “he” they were talking about? The final phrase in the machine translation was also missing a verb. Google Translate used “Even inside mariachi music heard in a song of goodbye,” which isn’t even a sentence. Using context clues, one can figure out that what was being heard was mariachi music, but as a professor of mine said, “Either the writer or the reader struggles, it should be the writer.” You want to make sure that the reader knows exactly what is meant and that you don’t cause moments of stress.

With languages that get constantly translated, Google Translate can be useful to translate between English and Spanish, but with other languages like Serbian and Croatian as Kelly and Zetzshe state, it can be less useful. Just as Wikipedia should be used as a starting off point when researching, Google Translate should be just the beginning. When translating a work and someone is unsure of what it means, Google Translate is useful to see the common translations along with searching for the word’s definition but it shouldn’t be the only source used. Translations aren’t only about finding a word or phrase that matches up perfectly because that can be hard to find, but it is about considering the content and culture along with the words and norms of the receiving audience. It is also important to note that it is not the machine that is translating the works, but rather it is using what people have translated before and that is what is used as a result.

La Jornada (Mexico City), September 6, 2016

Roses, tears, and songs during the “Divo” Juan Gabriel’s final farewell

By Alondra Flores

Mexico City. Night fell and the funeral continued into the next day. The line of mourners went from the cultural center all the way around the Alameda, a nearby park, as they waited to enter the lobby that was converted into a funeral chapel.

“How wonderful!” Juan Gabriel’s unmistakable voice boomed from the speakers. A biographical video of the musician was projected on the big screen as funeral-goers said their final goodbyes that night in the national theater, Palacio de Bellas Artes. Even inside of the theater the mariachi’s farewell songs could be heard playing from outside.




Los falsos cognados – Jeniffer Hernández

Desde pequeña, siempre me interesado hablar español. Por esa razón, mi mamá me hablaba más en español que con mi hermano. Pero, yo nunca tuve una educación formal en español hasta el octavo grado. En el octavo grado aprendí muchas cosas pero algo que me sorprendió, como otros, fue que librería no significa un “library” sino una tienda donde se venden libros.

Un falso cognado que todavía uso es llamar un ascensor un “elevador” como se dice en México. Aunque no sea correcto, hoy en día todos, por lo menos en este país, sabe que quiero decide cuando llamo un ascensor un “elevador” porque suena como “elevator,” pero no es buena escusa. Otro falsos amigos que creo que es popular es usar “factoría” en vez de “fábrica.” Creo que muchos hacemos el error de traducir “factory” como “factoría” porque la traducción actual suena mucho como la palabra “fabric” y cuando estas pensando rápido a veces uno ni se da cuenta. Yo trato de hablar con cuidado y cuando oigo a mis padres o hermano decir cosas como “factoría” en vez de fabrica trato de corregirlo. Yo creo que uno siempre esta aprendiendo y por eso creo que es importante corregir los errores, especialmente los míos.

A veces duro mucho tratando de pensar en inglés para hablar en español que me quedo como alguien que no conoce el idioma y por eso cuando tengo que hablar o escribir algo rápido, uso el inglés.