Reviewing Migrated Data in Interfolio

The College has migrated the faculty activity data from Digital Measures to Interfolio Faculty 180.  To ensure that our use of Faculty 180 begins with accurate data, faculty members need to review their record to make edits, if necessary, or report issues.  The following are specific areas of the faculty activity record that deserve attention in the review process, along with explanations regarding data that cannot be edited by the user.  Questions should be directed to the College’s central email address for managing Interfolio support:  This page will be updated with new information during the period of faculty Initiated Input in fall 2022.

  1. Items Have to  be Marked as Either Peer-Reviewed or Not Peer-Reviewed

The University requires that faculty CVs used in personnel actions indicate that scholarly and creative activities are either peer-reviewed or not peer-reviewed.  There is a field in the Activity Classifications section of the item record that is labelled “Was this peer-reviewed/refereed?*”  As the asterisk indicates, this is a required field.  If that field was blank in Digital Measures, you need to select “Peer-Reviewed/Refereed” or “Not Peer-Reviewed/Refereed” from the drop-down menu.  Otherwise, when you run your CV the item will appear in a separate section “Additional Activities”.  As soon as the designation is selected and the record is saved, the item will move from Additional Activities to its proper place under Peer-Reviewed or Not Peer-Reviewed on the CV.

2. N/a in Co-Author Fields

Some records may contain and display “N/a”  in either the first name or last name field of the co-author of a scholarly or creative work.  That is because the data shifted to an adjacent field, such as the middle initial field.  We corrected these errors when we caught them, but it is likely that there are still cases that need to be addressed.  The data can be cut and pasted from the wrong field to the correct one.

3. Secondary Affiliation Field: CUNY Graduate Center

In the Profile section there is a field for Secondary Affiliation.  The College will soon be batch-loading “CUNY Graduate Center” in that field for faculty who have appointments there.  Faculty should not enter that information in this field themselves.  We need to use consistent language to designate CUNY Graduate Center appointments across all records.

4. Scheduled Teaching – User Cannot Edit

The section Scheduled Teaching contains records from CUNYfirst for courses taught at Baruch and the CUNY Graduate Center.  Baruch courses extend back to the College’s earliest records in CUNYfirst (Summer 2001).   For courses taught at the Graduate Center the starting period is Fall 2012.  Users cannot edit this section.  If there are errors in the data, they are also in the official record in CUNYfirst and should be reported to the department chair or department administrator who handles course scheduling with the Registrar’s office.  Courses taught at other CUNY campuses do not appear in this section, because the College does not have access to this data.  An additional section of the Faculty 180 record is being created to enable reporting of teaching activities at other institutions, including outside CUNY.

5. Grants and Grants (Not via SPAR)

There are two separate sections for grant-related activity.  The section labelled “Grants” contains records from the College’s Office of Sponsored Programs and Research (SPAR) for grants submitted and awarded.  SPAR will be the source of data for this section going forward as well.  The migrated data from the grants section of Digital Measures has been placed in the section that is temporarily named “Grants (Not via SPAR)”.   There is duplication between the two sections that will be addressed.

6. Contact Information in the Profile Section

The College did not use the contact information fields in DM, which is why we did not migrate any data from those fields into the Profile section of Interfolio.  Faculty who enter their contact information should be aware that it may appear on CVs and public profile pages.  For this reason, you should avoid entering a personal cell phone number, an address that is not your office address, a non-Baruch email address, and other private contact information.

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