Monthly Archives: May 2024

Professor Yoko Sakurai gave a conference presentation at Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum (PJPF)

Professor Sakurai gave a talk about her teaching experience at Baruch College at the Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum held on May 4 to 5. She has taught JPN4000-level courses, which include Japanese native speakers. The presentation title: 日本語母語話者による中級日本語クラスでの〈やさしい日本語〉の使用実践と意識の変容-母語話者と非母語話者の共同クラスの実践より. You can find the abstract here.

he keynote speaker of the event was Dr. Teja Ostheider, a scholar known for proposing the idea of “The Third Person Response” (第三者返答). His keynote speech is available in Japanese:

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