The Paula Berggren Enrichment Fund offers faculty in the humanities at Baruch financial support to take their students to participate in extracurricular activities that enrich coursework. Funds may be used to defray the cost of admission to a museum, theatre, concert, or similar cultural event. Faculty may be awarded up to approximately $40 per student for this purpose. This funding may not be used for transportation or food.
Faculty may submit an activity-specific application for funds (which can be found here) to the standing committee, which is housed in the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences. Committee members for the 2016-2017 academic year are Paula Berggren, Professor Emeritus of English; Susan Tenneriello, Associate Professor of Theatre; and Boo Choi, Director of Administrative and Financial Services for the Weissman School. Early submissions are encouraged, though applications are accepted through the last month of the semester for which they are being submitted.
In addition, students who wish to take a course in the humanities but face financial constraints may also apply for funds to cover tuition costs. The student application form can be found here. Students may be granted up to $750 in aid.
For further information on the Paula Berggren Enrichment Fund contact the office of Dean Romero.