Monthly Archives: January 2016

The Conversation Partners Program at Baruch! (Due date: Feb 12th)

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This semester’s Conversation Partners Program is about to begin. Are you interested in joining?

The Conversation Partners Program matches native and nonnative speakers of English for informal conversations. It is a great way for nonnative students to gain confidence in English, for native speakers to gain experience in communicating across language barriers, and for both native and nonnative speakers to expand their cultural knowledge, make friends, and build a network of professional contacts. To participate, you should be willing to commit to meeting your partner on a regular basis throughout the semester. If you have met at least seven times, you will receive a certificate at the end of the semester—a great way to enhance your resume.

To learn more and to sign up, go to:

To sign up, please fill out the Application Form on the website. The deadline for signing up is FR, Feb. 12.


Elisabeth Gareis


Dept. of Communication Studies, B8-240

Baruch College

55 Lexington Ave.

New York, NY 10010

Tel.: 646-312-3731


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Baruch’s Friday, 2/5 Job and internship Fair 70+ employers

*Notes: For Baruch undergraduates only or Baruch Alum who graduated Dec. 2015.

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Please help us to advertise our Career Fair and let your students know this is a terrific opportunity to explore work and internship opportunities.  Starr Career Development Center will be helping students to edit and perfect resumes on a walk-in basis in room 2-190:  Tuesday 2/2 12:30-2:30 & 3-4:30; Wednesday 2/3 3:00-4:30;  Thursday 2/4 3-6:30 room 2-150.  We will also be running two workshops onCareer Fair Success Strategies: Wednesday  2/3 5-6:30  room 2-190 and Thursday 2/4 12:30-2:20 room 3-160.

And for students who are new to creating a resume, we will have a beginning workshop on how to get started on writing a resume: Monday February 1, 12:30 in room 2-190.

 Happy New Year/ New semester etc.  and THANK YOU. 

Wendy Heyman, PhD

Arts & Sciences Coordinator

Starr Career Development Center

(646) 312-4681

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Book Conversation: Music of Protest vs Music of Radicalism (January 30, Saturday, from 3:00 pm)

Noriko Manabe, NYC, Fukushima, nuclear power, protests, protest songs, Kinokuniya, Japan, Topos Bookstore Cafe, Oxford University Press

Book Conversation: Music of Protest vs Music of Radicalism

Saturday, January 30 at 3:00 p.m.

Kinokuniya Book Store – 1071 Avenue of the Americas

Noriko Manabe, the author on The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: Protest Music After Fukushima(Oxford University Press, December 2015), and Jonathan Pieslak, author of Radicalism and Music: An Introduction to the Music Cultures of al-Qa’ida, Racist Skinheads, Christian-Affiliated Radicals, and Eco-Animal Rights Militants (Wesleyan 2015), debate the similarities and differences in music used in left- and right-wing movements.

Manabe’s book explains the history of nuclear power in Japan, the sociopolitical backdrop of post-Fukushima social movements, the censorial pressures that Japanese musicians are under, the political roles they have assumed, and the ways in which they have participated in four arenas of musical protest—cyberspace, demonstrations, festivals, and recordings.

The Oxford University Press site hosts a companion website with photos, websites, videos, and music clips, and Manabe’s website has links to YouTube video playlists to accompany each chapter of the book.

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Japan Day – Art Contest Updated


A Japan Day Official Artist will be selected each year whose artwork will become the official image of Japan Day @ Central Park and will be used for our official poster, program, flyer and T-shirts. Japan Day Official Artist will also receive a prize, such as a pair of round-trip economy class tickets to Japan, provided by ANA and a 55” LCD TV provided byHitachi.

Additionally, several entries will receive honorable mentions. All winners will receive a digital camera provided by Nikon Inc. Moreover, their artwork will be displayed at an exhibition space on the 18th floor of the Consulate General of Japan in New York. All winners will be honored at an award ceremony on the day of the event.



Actress and singer-songwriter Charlotte Kate Fox is joining the Japan Day Art Contest as one of our jurors. Charlotte is widely known in Japan as a heroine of a TV drama series called Massan. A special “Charlotte Award” will be presented to one of the entries, and the Charlotte Award winner will receive a special prize autographed by Charlotte Kate Fox.



I am excited to be a special juror for the Art Contest of this memorable 10th Annual Japan Day. It is an honor to take part in the event that introduces Japanese culture. I am looking forward to receiving many submissions and seeing artworks that express Japan’s charms.  – Charlotte Kate Fox


記念すべき第10回目の特別審査員として参加させていただきます。日本を紹介するイベントに携わる事ができ、大変光栄です。日本の魅力を存分に表現されたアートに出会えることを楽しみにしております。たくさんのご応募をお待ちしております。ー シャーロット・ケイト・フォックス



Sunday, February 21st, 2016, 11:00PM (Extended!)


Artwork must incorporate all three themes:

  • New York

  • Japan

  • Central Park


  • JPEG

  • Size: 24″ tall x 18″ wide

  • 300 dpi

  • Two-dimensional media

  • Under 2MB


  • Art must incorporate all of the following three themes: “New York,” ”Japan,” and “Central Park.”

  • Size must be 24″ tall x 18″ wide.

  • Only two-dimensional media is accepted.

  • Only one submission per artist will be accepted.

  • All entries must be the original work of the entering artist.

  • Artwork which has been submitted to previous contests and/or previously shown or published is not eligible.

  • Artwork does not need to include the Japan Day logo or any text related to the event.

  • Artwork that violates copyrights, intellectual property rights, and/or any related rights of a third party, is not eligible. (For example, the use of existing anime characters would be a violation of copyrights.)

  • Art must not contain explicit sexuality, violence, or any discriminatory elements.

  • The final layout and design of the poster, flyer and other publicity materials will be created and approved by Japan Day Inc.  Artist’s approval is not required for publication.

  • By submitting their artwork, artists grant Japan Day Inc. the right to use their work for the purpose of marketing, exhibition and other Japan Day-related uses.

JURORS (In Alphabetical Order)

  • Douglas Blonsky, President & CEO, Central Park Conservancy and Central Park Administrator

  • Charlotte Kate Fox, Actress and Singer-Songwriter

  • Eriyoshi Konno, President & CEO, Hitachi America Inc. (President of Japan Day Inc.)

  • David Revere McFadden, Chief Curator Emeritus, Museum of Arts and Design, New York

  • Cora Rosevear, Associate Curator, The Museum of Modern Art, New York

  • Mitchell J. Silver, Commissioner, New York City Department of Parks & Recreation

  • Reiichiro Takahashi, Ambassador and Consul-General, Consulate General of Japan in New York (Honorary Chairman of Japan Day Inc.)

  • Kumiko Yoshii, President, Gorgeous Entertainment (Executive Producer of Japan Day @ Central Park)


Grand Prize winner < Japan Day Official Artist 2016 >:

  • A pair of round-trip Economy Class tickets to Japan provided byANA*

  • 55″ LCD TV provided by Hitachi

Charlotte Award winner:

  • A special prize autographed by Charlotte Kate Fox

All winners including Honorable Mentions:

  • Digital camera provided by Nikon Inc.

In addition to above, all winners’ artwork will be displayed at an exhibition space on the 18th floor of the Consulate General of Japan in New York.

*A pair of round-trip economy class tickets to Japan (JFK – Tokyo/Narita), exclusive of any applicable taxes and fees as well as travel expenses in Japan such as accommodations.

Click “Submit” below and fill out the form with your artwork attached.


Telephone:  212-398-7145 / Fax: 212-398-7146
Address:  1650 Broadway, Suite 1210
New York, NY 10019

© 2015 Japan Day Inc.   All Right Reserved.

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“Film Festivals as Social Space: Local Queer Activism and Community in Japan”

“Film Festivals as Social Space: Local Queer Activism and Community in Japan”

February 4 @ 12:00 pm1:30 pm

Event Navigation

Brown Bag Lecture

“Film Festivals as Social Space: Local Queer Activism and Community in Japan”

Yuka Kanno, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University
Moderated by Hikari Hori, Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University
12:00 PM -1:30 PM
International Affairs Building, Room 918
No registration required.

Co-sponsored by the Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture

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Full Scholarships Available for Intensive Language Study at the Middlebury Japanese School

Applications Open for the Summer 2016 Middlebury Japanese School.

Full Scholarships Available for Intensive Language Study at the Middlebury Summer Language Schools– The Kathryn Davis Fellows for Peace will cover the full cost of one summer of language study (tuition, room, and board)—from the beginner to advanced level—inJapaneseThe deadline has been extended to January 24, 2016. See the website for application details.

 Middlebury  Japanese School– Take four classes in Japanese and earn 12 credit hours at the 8-week summer immersion program at Middlebury College in Middlebury, VT.

The Middlebury Language Schools celebrated its Centennial in 2015. Our website has more information on all eleven Language Schools, the Language Pledge®,  activities and the online application. To receive more information by email, please fill out this form.

Middlebury Japanese School
Middlebury, VT  05753
(802) 443-5215

Kazumi Hatasa, Director
Japanese School
Middlebury College

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Come join us at the Brooklyn Japanese New Year Festival 2016, to celebrate the Year of the Monkey, Japanese style!
@Roulette (509 Atlantic Ave/3rd ave)
Monday (MLK Day) 1/18 12pm-5pm
For detail and tickets to the festival please go to:
All activities and entertainment are included in the ticket price.
Yummy food for purchase by CAFE ZAIYA. Alcoholic beverage by Roulette Cash Bar.
Activity booths by Aozora Gakuen, Brooklyn Japanese School & YMCA Frost Valley Camp and include:
Japanese Folk Games (Fukuwarai, Kendama, Daruma Otoshi)
Japanese New Year Arts & Crafts
Japanese Calligraphy.
– 12:30pm: Traditional Japanese Dance Performance
12:40pm: mochi pounding (pounding of glutinous rice to make mochi, sticky rice cakes)
1:45pm: Taiko Japanese Drum performance by Kaoru Watanabe Taiko Center
2:30pm: Giant calligraphy performance by Taisan Tanaka
2:50pm: Kendama Battle, KeNYC
3:30pm: mochi pounding
4:10pm: Taiko Japanese Drum performance
The festival is organized by BJAFA, Brooklyn Japanese American Family Association.
We hope to see you and your students there!
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