Grants for paid summer internships and professional and cultural exploration
The Jeannette K. Watson Fellowship is an innovative program that activates the potential of fifteen NYC undergraduates through personal, professional and cultural exploration. The fellowship provides paid summer internships, mentoring, and enriched educational opportunities to promising Baruch College Freshman or Sophomore level students who are either undeclared or majoring in the Liberal Arts*. Fellows are provided with annual funding of $5,500, $6,500 and $7,000, in addition to a $2,000 Discovery Fund to develop their personal, professional, and cultural potential.
This spotlight presentation provides a detailed overview of the JK Watson Fellowship program, reviews the competition timeline and major application components and suggests strategies on how to prepare a competitive application. More information is available on the attached flyer, and on the JK Watson Fellowship website.
All students, faculty and staff are encouraged to attend.
When: Thursday, November 10th from 12:45pm to 1:45pm
Where: Room 3-125 of the William and Anita Newman Vertical Campus
For more information contact: Valeria Hymas, Baruch’s Watson Campus Advisor,
*Some exceptions apply. Contact the Campus Advisor for more information