The International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) is an annual event that is unique in concept and design. Using the latest in high-definition video conferencing technology, it connects students from universities across the world to a single 24-hour forum. It is a platform to showcase the work of some of the world’s best undergraduate researchers from any discipline or area. Undergraduates present their research in joint sessions alongside peers on the other side of the world, interacting with fellow presenters and audiences in real-time through video-links and social media.
The abstract submission is here:
The International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) will be held at BaruchSeptember 26-27, 2017. Show off your work, gain valuable feedback, and have a real professional conference on your resume! Even if you are graduating this semester, you can come back and present the work you did as an undergraduate. You will give a 15-20 minute presentation on a panel and then discuss the papers with students in England, Australia, South Africa, and elsewhere linked via teleconferencing. This conference, organized by the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom and Monash University in Australia, links students on panels at 9 campuses on 5 continents via cutting-edge teleconferencing technology. This is a low-stakes, but professional academic conference, in which you can hone your oral skills, get feedback on your work, and hear what kind of research students are doing at international universities. This will be the fourth annual conference in which Baruch has participated, and students in the past three years have found the experience to be exciting and rewarding. Baruch is lucky to be the only U.S. college participating. Other global participants are Nanyang Technological University, Kyushu University in Japan, Singapore Management University, Monash University Malaysia, Leeds University in England, and Monash University South Africa. See<> for information.
To participate: Students in all fields are eligible. Students must submit a 250-word abstract and title of their research. If you submitted an abstract to Creative Inquiry Day, you can use the same or similar abstract.
For tips on writing an abstract see:<>
Submit these along with
* · Name
* · Major
* · year of study (Senior, etc.)
* · name of professor/advisor
* · email
* · and phone number
to Katherine Pence, Chair of History<> by the
May 15, 2017 DEADLINE. See more information here:
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me<>.