Through Chani Katzen ’96, The Katzen-Laufer Family is providing $3000 stipends for Weissman Arts & Sciences and School of Public Affairs undergraduate students who will be working in unpaid internships and/or formal volunteer positions in non-profit, the arts, education, or government organizations. The Katzen Fellowship for the Common Good recipients will be selected on the basis of the student’s genuine potential for future contributions to “the common good.” Preference will be given to students who are not receiving on-going scholarship assistance. (Students receiving government financial aid are eligible to apply.)
We have attached the flyer, application, validation of position, and evaluation form—all needed to apply for the Katzen Fellowship for the Common Good. The forms will also be available after the first week of January for download from our
Katzen Fellowship Application Link:
Please click here to apply online. Forms should be emailed to Dr. Heyman subject heading: Katzen Fellowship
Physical applications can be picked up at the STARR Career Development Center, Room 2-150. Complete and return application with written statements and Validation of Position Form to Dr. Heyman, Room 2-150 or by Email, Subject heading: Katzen Fellowship. Or leave physical forms with Starr Career Development Center reception
We will begin officially promoting (SCDC website, e-blast, STARR Weekly) during the first week of January.
Please forward this information to appropriate students. Please post the attached flyer advertising the stipend.
Have a lovely holiday season.
Wendy Heyman PhD
Arts & Sciences Coordinator
Starr Career Development Center