Monthly Archives: October 2015

Frito Lays or Sabritas M.SanMiguel Publicidad en espanol y ingles

An ad campaign will establish a relationship with the consumer, because people will buy brands they recognize or that capture their attention. The advertisers must use any means to call attention to their product over their competitors. They employ celebrities in fantasy sequences or use familiar situations to relate to the consumer.
Over the past few years advertising is heavily done via social media. I have two examples on facebook of Lays potato chips or, as it’s known in Mexico, of Sabritas. Sabritas’ latest ad features Enrique Iglesias, the latin hearthrob using his charm to get at a girl’s chips. It almost works! This ad features the original lays flavor.
In the U.S., Lays had a different campaign this past year with its own dedicated website. It was called “Do Us A Flavor” or which ended 10/18/15 and featured a nationwide campaign for a new Lays flavor (the winner was Southern Biscuits and Gravy).
One thing Frito-Lay does do is relate to their consumer using flavors. The blog below has a list of 204 lays flavors in different countries. In Thailand they have a Tom Yum flavor, whereas in India they have Mango Mastana. And we thought sea salt and vinegar was special once upon a time.


pepsico lays world market

Lays and Sabritas, all part of Pepsico

Lays and Sabritas, all part of PepsiCo

As written in a press release by PepsiCo in March, 2012, ” PepsiCo, Inc. today announced that its global “Banner Sun” potato chip portfolio has grown to more than $10 billion in annual retail sales, anchored by Lay’s, the world’s largest food brand and the No. 1 potato chip brand globally.<!– Paragraph before: The "Banner Sun" logo – which appears on packaging for leading brands such as Lay's, Walkers, Smith's and Sabritas – has grown into a symbol for quality potato chips around the world. Lay's and Walkers are among PepsiCo's portfolio of 22 billion-dollar food and beverage brands, a number that has doubled since 2000 – further illustrating the strength of the company’s worldwide food and beverage business.


The “Banner Sun” logo – which appears on packaging for leading brands such as Lay’s, Walkers, Smith’s and Sabritas – has grown into a symbol for quality potato chips around the world. Lay’s and Walkers are among PepsiCo’s portfolio of 22 billion-dollar food and beverage brands, a number that has doubled since 2000 – further illustrating the strength of the company’s worldwide food and beverage business.

<!– Paragraph before: Expansion into international markets has driven the success of PepsiCo's potato chip portfolio, with about 60 percent of "Banner Sun" sales coming from outside North America. The top 10 markets are: the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, Canada, Spain, Australia, China, Mexico, Netherlands and India. 

–> <!– Paragraph After: Expansion into international markets has driven the success of PepsiCo's potato chip portfolio, with about 60 percent of "Banner Sun" sales coming from outside North America. The top 10 markets are: the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, Canada, Spain, Australia, China, Mexico, Netherlands and India. 


Expansion into international markets has driven the success of PepsiCo’s potato chip portfolio, with about 60 percent of “Banner Sun” sales coming from outside North America…” (PepsiCo Potato Chip Brands Surpass $10 Billion in Global Retail Sales. (2012, March 14). Retrieved November 4, 2015)



McDonalds: Publicitarios en Inglés y Español- Deborah Cano

Con McDonalds no hay mucha diferencias en los anuncios.  Por ejemplo este aviso para comida de ninos no se traduce de su nombre original en ingles cual es el ” Happy Meal ” A la misma vez, la compania como varias companias, trata de usar menos palabras posibles para anunciar una oferta limitada o simplemente un producto.  “Any Happy Meal” se traduce perfectamente  a “Cualquier Happy Meal”; no creo que hay otro sustituto mejor. El logo de McDoanlds que en inglés es “I’m loving it” se traduce facilmente a  “me encanta”.  Creo que la compania trata de mantener todos su anuncios lo mas similar posible en varias lenguas porque permite facil reconocimeinto de producto y crea valor de marca.  Su valor de marca facilita los anuncios y hace que sea facil a traducir lo minimo posible para comercializar sus productos.




El video en inglés se direge a los estadounidenses, sobre todo jóvenes, cuya cultura es principalmente en teniendo “mas”, conseguir mas por menos, y disfrutar mas. Se concentra en el invidual quien cuya interés principal es él mismo.

En cambio la campaña publicitaria en español es un poco mas complicado porque parece que McDonalds esta intentando de llegar a la conciencia hispana (tambien jovenes) que creo que son un mercado objetivo más difícil de capturar por su cultura que gira alrededor de alimento cocinado en casa. Para los hispanos, McDonalds es como un bocado para darse gusto en lugar de una verdadera comida

Sin embargo, McDonalds está tratando de convencernos de que hay algo en el menú para todo el mundo, y que esas opciones siempre estarán ahí por un dólar.

Publicidad en español y inglés – Sandy Sosa



This is a very known campaign of Snickers. It’s the only campaign I remember seeing a lot about Snickers actually, both in English and Spanish. In the commercials I remember there were a lot of different scenarios of people not acting like themselves. When it comes to these two ads in particular I see one main difference, which I noticed throughout the whole campaign in English and Spanish. The translations of “You’re not you when you’re hungry” in the commercials are literal and remain with the same meaning. However, throughout the campaign I did not ever see a Spanish commercial using the same actors as an English commercial. I think its mainly because of how Spanish speakers can relate to the Spanish actors and English speakers relating to English actors. The actor known as “El Puma” would be puzzling to English speakers. The Betty White commercial reached out to English speakers. Both commercials are extremely similar when it comes to the meaning but the language along with the actors changed in order to reach the target audience.

If anyone hasn’t seen or just enjoy seeing these types of commercials here are links:

Spanish –

English –

Rafael Trujillo: Reacciones al sistema de traducción empleada por el Teatro

Durante la obra de teatro trate de poner mucha atencion a la pantaya donde se traducio el guión.  Creo que la traddución a inglés saco mucha de la esencia de la cultura dominicana. El problema es que cuando uno incorpora costumbres, señales, o el lenguaje perteneciente a una cultura, aquellos que no son familarizados con ella pierda la gracia.  Muchas veces note que dijieron mucho mas en español, y creo que ni siquiera se molestaron a traducir todo ese diálogo. Tambien encontre unas traduciones raras, osea que yo lo hubiera traducido diferentemente. Por ejemplo el “presidente de la republica” se traducio como “citizen president” un término que creo que no se utiliza en el idioma ingles. “Cosa preciosa” se traducio como “good girl” que apenas capta su cariño, “jodiendo” se traducio como “making a stink”, y mierda ni si quiera se molestaron a traducir.  Era dificil seguir la obra y la traducion a la misma vez. Despues de quince minutos me puse solo a mirar la obra. Estuvo buenisima. Si se que el grupo de chicos frente de mi, (que no se parecia entender el español) se aburrieron mas pronto que tarde.


Source: Deporte Total (Peru)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015 | 4:14pm

Peru vs. Venezuela in South American Women’s Championship

Peru—mostly U18 and U20 players—Debuts Against Venezuela

María José Fermi

Today marked the beginning of the Women’s South American Volleyball Championships. Venezuela is Peru’s toughest competition in Group A, which is also shared with Colombia and Paraguay. Only two teams will advance into the semifinals, and they will therefore need to hustle from the start.

Once again, Peru arrives at a tournament with a widely varied age group of players. Although this is a women’s tournament, the South American squad has only five players that resemble women (Uribe, Yllescas, Egoavil, Muñoz, and Olemar).

The other nine players are U18 (Regalado, De la Peña, Guerrero and Sánchez) or U20 (Leyva, Gómez, Canessa and Almeida). With a limited supply of eligible volleyball players, this is a reality that coaches from all different categories of national volleyball (especially adult volleyball) must confront.

Traducción De Noticias


From: 14YMEDIO.COM Internacional

Eleven Dead, one million evacuees and millions in damages by an earthquake in Chile

Santiago, Chile| September 17, 2015

(EFE/14YMEDIO.COM) — The death toll caused by the earthquake that occurred this Wednesday night has now risen to eleven people, according to Richard Toro, the director of Chile’s National Office of Emergency (Onemi). As of now there are nine injured, one missing, one million evacuees, and millions of dollars in damages.

The quake— the third strongest in the history of this suffering nation, where the largest earthquake in history was registered in 1960, took place at 7:54pm local time, its epicenter located at 28 miles west of the northern town of Canela, and 9 miles in depth.

Due to the force of the quake, the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy gave the tsunami alert for all the Chilean coast, more than 2,485 miles in length, after which authorities ordered an immediate evacuation.

La caída de Rafael Trujillo-Ana Cruz

Para mi fue un encanto la obra.  Mi esposo y yo la disfrutamos muchísimo.  Los actores estuvieron muy a la altura de la obra, tanto el libreto como los actores estuvieron fenomenal.  En cuanto a la traducción y los subtítulos, pienso que para una persona que no hable español estuvieron aceptables.  Pero como bilingüe que somos todos en la clase, en especial yo como Dominicana, puede apreciar algunos detalles que ganaron mi critica.

Por ejemplo:

  • “90 millas de sus costas”—90 miles away
  • “I can’t depend on anyone”—no puedo confiar en nadie
  • “con que matrimonio obligao”—was omitted
  • “mi cocinero haitiano es el único que yo confio”—My cook he’s not like the others

Aunque pienso que también cabe la posibilidad que los actores hayan alterado algunas palabras. Al fin y al cabo, era en vivo.

La Caida de Rafael Trujillo – Martha San Miguel

I really enjoyed the play; I would have enjoyed it on my own.  I made sure to sit at a good angle to read the translation screen.  I consider myself more of a native English speaker, but I am bi-lingual.  In this respect, I was more engaged in listening to the play in Spanish only.  I think this is due to the fact that the Spanish (version) used colloquial Spanish that enhaced certain characters and was more fitting than English or even Castilian Spanish.  In other words, I found the play in Spanish a more enriching experience.  I was constantly comparing and found some of the translations interesting.  It could be that this class is now making me analyze translations, but it is a true benefit to non-Spanish speakers to have the translation board. This feature would be great at an opera in a language I do not understand.

Examen parcial 1: Versión profesionalmente aceptable

Inglés (lengua fuente / lengua de salida) – Español (lengua de llegada)

Fuente: New York Times (Estados Unidos)

Pistolero mata a nueve personas y muere en tiroteo con la policía

 Por: Reuters / 1 de octubre, 2015 / 5:24 pm EDT

Roseburg, Oregon: Un pistolero irrumpió en una escuela universitaria pública en el suroeste de Oregon el jueves y abrió fuego, matando a nueve personas y hiriendo a otras siete antes que la policía lo matara a tiros, según las autoridades.

Después de la masacre, el sospechoso fue abatido en un intercambio de disparos con la policía en el Snyder Hall del Umpqua Community College en el pueblo de Roseburg, poco después de las 10:30 de la mañana, hora local.

Las autoridades locales no quisieron revelar el nombre del joven, pero citando fuentes anónimas de la policía, CBS, CNN y NBC lo identificaron como Chris Harper, de 26 años.

La masacre en Roseburg, antiguo pueblo maderero en la valle del Río Umpqua, es el más reciente en una serie de tiroteos masivos que han ocurrido en los últimos años en instalaciones universitarias, cines, bases militares y iglesias de los Estados Unidos. Es el más mortífero desde el alboroto en una iglesia de la Carolina del Sur en junio que también dejó nueve muertos.


Spanish (source language) –English (target language)

Source: El País (Spain)

Nine Dead in Oregon Mass Shooting

 Pablo Ximénez de Sandoval / Roseburg (Oregon) / Oct. 2, 2015, 6:45 p.m. CEST

At least nine people lost their lives and seven others were injured when a young man identified as 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer opened fire on the campus of a community college in the town of Roseburg, some 186 miles south of Portland. Residents and officials of this rural community are unable to comprehend the motive for this crime, which would be unimaginable in other advanced nations, while in this country such crimes have become, in the United States President’s own words,  “routine.”

It was 10:38 a.m. when a sharp rat-a-tat was heard from within classrooms at Umpqua Community College. Students reported that it took a few seconds for them to realize these were gunshots. Then, when they heard screams from some of the classrooms, they started pushing tables over and running.





La caída de Rafael Trujillo – Belén M. Rosario

I had a great experience at the play La caída de Rafael Trujillo by Carmen Rivera. I was able to observe a very interesting translation throughout the play. The play was in Spanish and the English translation was projected on a monitor screen. As a native Dominican, I am able to say that the Spanish used by the actors had the typical mannerisms of the country (Dominican Republic), but the English translation projected on the monitor was aimed at the American culture and, therefore, it wasn’t a literal translation.

It is my personal opinion that some of the language used by the authors were sayings and words that only a native Dominican would understand easily. So it makes sense that the translation was modified in order to engage other cultures. Below is my observation of some translations made in the play that seemed interesting to me:

Chismes de callejón Alley way’s gossips This is garbage!
Me cegaste con tu inteligencia You blinded me with your intelligence You blinded me
Acabo de prender una vela I just lit up a candle I just prayed
De macizada coincidencia Too much coincidence Too close for comfort
Y con las sanciones la economía se está viniendo abajo… And with the sanctions the economy is crashing down… And with your economy spiraling out of control…
Plepla Talking non-sense Talking