Category Archives: Poste 5: Traducción de deportes

Traducción de deportes Catalina Rodriguez

Source: Deporte Total (Peru)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015 / 4:14 p.m.

Peru vs. Venezuela in South American Women’s Volleyball Championship

Peru, with a majority U’18 and U’20 players, debuts against Venezuela’s national team.

María José Fermi 

The South American Women’s Volleyball Championship starts today. Venezuela is Peru’s first rival from group A, which also includes Colombia and Paraguay. Only two will make it to the semi finals and like it or not, the teams must fight from the start.

Once again, Peru reaches a tournament with a misfit’s team.  Although this South American 2015 tournament has adult category, only five players belong to the senior league (Uribe, Yllescas, Egoavil, Muñoz and Olemar).

The other nine players are in the U’18 (Regalado, De la Pena, Guerrero and Sanchez) or U’20 (Leyva Gomez, Canessa and Almeida).

With a limited universe of Volleyball players, this is a reality coaches of nearly all categories must confront with National volleyball teams. (Especially senior leagues).

Sports Translation–Clarissa Polanco

Source: Deporte Total (Peru)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 4:14 pm

Peru vs. Venezuela in South American Women’s Volleyball Championship

Peru—Mostly U-18 and U-20 Players—Debuts Against Venezuela

María José Fermi

The South American Women’s Volleyball Championship began today. Venezuela is Peru’s first rival in Group A, which includes Colombia and Paraguay. Despite everything, only two teams will advance to the semifinals.

Once again, Peru is in a tournament with a team of misfits. Although this is an adult tournament this Southern American 2015 team only has five adult players (Uribe, Yllescas, Egoavil, Muñoz y Olemar).

The other nine players are under 18 (Regalado, De la Peña, Guerrero y Sánchez) or under 20 (Leyva, Gómez, Canessa y Almeida). With a limited eligible number of volleyball players, this is a reality that coaches must confront in almost all of the national volleyball leagues, especially for adults.


Traducción de deportes By: William Cardona

William Cardona

Octubre 6, 2015

SPA 4003


Los Bears Nº 8 de Stanford dieron un empuje después de cuatro juegos perdidosCal da a cardenal una rígida prueba Por Cal Atletismo el martes, 22 de Septiembre 2015

BERKELEY –Los resultados finales del martes fue algo conque el entrenador Rich Feller nunca estaría satisfecho, pero el equipo de voleibol Cal han descubierto algunas cosas durante su primera conferencia Pac – 12 en contra el equipo No. 8 de Stanford.

Los Bears igualaron al Cardinal paso por paso durante  los tres primeros juegos antes de que los Cardinales finalmente sacaran una 25-23, 27-25, 20-25, 25-16 victoria en el pabellón de Haas. Después de los tres primeros juegos, Cal había anotado más puntos totales que Stanford.”Nosotros definitivamente nos dimos cuenta de algunas cosas acerca de nuestro equipo”, dijo Feller. “Estaba decepcionado con la forma en que terminamos, pero en general fue muy positiva para nosotros. ”

Los Bears (6-6, 0-1 Pac – 12) tuvieron tres bateadores que registraron porcentajes de bateo de Continue reading

Deportes-Karla Velasquez


English to Spanish


Osos empujan N 8 de Stanford a cuatro juegos en la perdida.

Cal le da Cardinal una dura prueba

Por Cal Atletismo en Martes, 22 de Septiembre del 2015.


Berkeley – Resultado final del Martes fue algo que el entrenador Rich Feller nunca quedo satisfecho, pero el equipo de voleibol Cal pudo haber descubierto algunas cosas durante su Pac-12 abridor conferencia contra N 8 Stanford.

Los Osos se correspondía con el paso Cardinal para el paso de los tres juegos antes del cardinal finalmente se retiró una 25-23,27-25,20-25,25-16 victoria en Haas Pavilion.

Después de los tres primeros juegos, Cal había anotado más puntos totales que Stanford. Definitivamente dimos unas cuantas cosas acerca de nuestro equipo’’, dijo Feller. “Estaba decepcionado con la forma en que terminamos, pero en general fue muy positive para nosotros.

Los Osos (6-6,0-1 Pac-12) tuvieron tres bateadores registrados con porcentajes más de 0.300. La estudiante de Segundo ano bateador superior opuesta Lara Vukasovic también tuvo 13 piezas.

“Podemos mantener la cabeza alta”, dijo Feller. “Eso fue un buen nivel superior Pac-12 de voleibol. Fue algo divertido de ver.”


Spanish to English

Source: Total Sport (Perú)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015 4:14 PM

Volley: Perú vs Venezuela play for the Major South American Volleyball.

Perú, with a team mostly Sub 18 and Sub 20, debuted with the selected of Venezuela.
María José Fermi

The Major South American volleyball began today. Venezuela is the first opponent of Perú in Group A, which shares with Colombia and Paraguay. Only two will advance to the semifinals and no matter who, it will have to fight it from the start.

Again, Perú reaches a tournament as a Frankenstein complex. Although this is a tournament of the adult category for the 2015 South American only five players belong to the highest (Uribe, Yllescas, Egoavil, Muñoz, y Olemar)

The other nine are Sub 18 (Regalado, De la Pena, Guerrero y Sanchez) Sub 20 (Leyva, Gomez, Canessa y Almeida). With a limited universe of selectable volleyball players this a reality that must be faced coaches nearly all categories of the national volleyball (especially adults).

traduccion de deportes

Source: Deporte Total (peru)
Tuesday, September 29,2015 4:14 P.M.
Peru VS. Venezuela in South American Women’s Volleyball Championship
Peru- Moslty U-18 and U-20 players debut against Venezuela

Today, the South American Volleyball Championship began. Venezuela is Peru’s primary rival in Group A, shared with Colombia and Paraguay. Only two will proceed to the semi finals, like it or not it’s going to be a fight from the start.

Once again Peru will enter the tournament with a mixed composition. Even though this is a adult tournament, for this 2015 South American only 5 players belong in the tournament ( Uribe, Yllescas, Egoavil, Muñoz and Olemar).

The other nine are U-18 ( Regalado, De la Peña, Guerrero and Sánchez) or U-20 ( Leyva, Gómez, Canessa and Almeida). With a limited universe of selectable volleyball players, this is a reality coaches must face in all aspects of national volleyball.

Traduccion de Deportes

Source: Deporte Total (Peru)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 4:14 p.m

Peru vs. Venezuela in South American Women’s Volleyball Championship

Peru Mostly U 18 and U 20 Players—Debuts Against Venezuela.

Maria Jose Fermi

South American Volleyball Tournament began today. Venezuela is Peru’s first opponent in Group A, which also includes Colombia and Paraguay. Only two team will advance to the semifinals, and whether they like it or not, they will have to fight from the beginning .

Once again, Peru reaches a tournament with the Frankenstein complex. Although this is an adult category for this 2015 Women’s South American Volleyball Championship, there are only five senior players (Uribe, Yllescas, Egoavil, Muñoz and Olemar).

The other nine players are either U-18 ( Regalado, De la Peña, Guerrero and Sanchez ) or U-20 ( Leyva Gómez, Canessa and Almeida). With a limited universe of selectable volleyball players, this is a reality coaches must face in almost all national volleyball categories (especially the adult category) .

Volleyball Article

Source: Deporte Total (Peru)

Tuesday September 29, 2015 | 4:14 PM

Women’s Volleyball: Perú vs. Venezuela

Perú–mostly with a team of U-18 and U-20 players– debuts against Venezuela

 María José Fermi

The South American Volleyball Championships began today. Venezuela is Perú’s first opponent in Group A, which is also shared by Colombia and Paraguay. Only two will advance to the semifinals and no matter who may disagree they will all have to fight from the beginning.

Once again, Perú makes it to the tournament with a young and unacquainted team. Although this is a tournament for adults, in 2015’s South American Championship only five players are technically considered adults (Uribe, Yllescas, Egoavil, Muñoz and Olemar.)

The other nine are either U18 (Regalado, De la Peña, Guerrero and Sánchez) or U20 (Leyva, Gómez, Canessa and Almeida). With a limited selection of volleyball players, this is the reality we must confront the coaches with of nearly all age groups within national volleyball (especially within the adult ones.)

Traduccion de Deporte

Clara Davila

SPA 4003

Prof: Esther Allen

October 1, 2015


Los Oso de Empuje No. 8 de Stanford a cuatro juegos pérdidos

Cal da dura prueva a los Cardenales

Por Cal Athletics, martes 22 de septiembre del 2015

Berkeley – El resultado final del martes era algo que el entrenador Rich Feller nuca está sastifecho, pero el equipo de voleibol de Calalifornia puede haber entendido algunas cosas durante su abrelatas de Conferencia Pac 12 contra el contendiente número 8 de Stanford.

Los Osos igualaron el paso Cardenal para el paso de los tres primeros juegos antes de que el Cardenal finalmente sacara un 25-23, 27-25, 20-25, 25-16 victoria en el Pabellón de Haas.

Después de los tres primeros juegos, Cal había anotado más puntos totales que Stanford.

“Definitivamente entendimos unas cuantas cosas acerca de nuestro equipo”, dijo Feller. “Estaba decepcionado con la forma en que terminamos, pero en general era muy positivo para nosotros.”

Los Osos (6-6, 0-1 Pac-12) tenían tres registros de bateadores que golpea un porcentaje más de 300. Los estudiantes de segundo año el batearon exterior Christine Alftin tenía 13 matazas y nueve cavas mientras al bateador mayor de enfrente Lara Vukasovic tambien tenía 13 matazas.

“Podemos mantener la cabeza alta”, dijo Feller. “Era algo bueno para el primer nivel Pac-12 de voleibol. Fue divertido de ver


Peru vs Venezuela in South American Women’s Volleyball Championship

Source: Deporte Total (Peru)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015 | 16:14

Peru vs Venezuela in South American Women’s Volleyball Championship

Peru–Mostly U18 and U20–Debuts against the VenezuelanMaría José Fermi

Today was the opening of the volleyball in the South America Women’s Volleyball Championship. Venezuela is the first rival again Peru in the Group A, which we also share with Colombia and Paraguay. Only two teams will advance to the semifinals, despite if you like it or not, we would have to fight from the very beginning.

One more time, Peru begins the tournament with mix math team. Even though this is a tournament of professional category, for this South American 2015 only five players area women (Uribe,Yllesca, Egoavil, Muñoz y Olemar).

The other nine U18 are (Regalado, De la Peña, Guerrero y Sánchez) or U20 (Leyva, Gómez, Canessa Y Almeida). This universe of limited selectable of possible volleyball players, this is a reality should face the trainers in almost every category of national volleyball (specially the professional)


Source: Deporte Total (Peru)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015 | 4:14pm

Peru vs. Venezuela in South American Women’s Championship

Peru—mostly U18 and U20 players—Debuts Against Venezuela

María José Fermi

Today marked the beginning of the Women’s South American Volleyball Championships. Venezuela is Peru’s toughest competition in Group A, which is also shared with Colombia and Paraguay. Only two teams will advance into the semifinals, and they will therefore need to hustle from the start.

Once again, Peru arrives at a tournament with a widely varied age group of players. Although this is a women’s tournament, the South American squad has only five players that resemble women (Uribe, Yllescas, Egoavil, Muñoz, and Olemar).

The other nine players are U18 (Regalado, De la Peña, Guerrero and Sánchez) or U20 (Leyva, Gómez, Canessa and Almeida). With a limited supply of eligible volleyball players, this is a reality that coaches from all different categories of national volleyball (especially adult volleyball) must confront.